Monday, October 10, 2011


Delacorte/Knopf. Delacorte/Knopf 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019 Matthew Skelton's THE STORY OF CIRRUS FLUX (9780385733816,$17.99) is set in 1783 London, where orphan Cirrus Flux is being watchedby villains who believe he's inherited a divine power. His journeythrough city back streets involves encounters with sinister charactersin this story of power, survival and a showdown for world power. VarianJohnson's SAVING MADDIE (9780385738040, $16.99) tells of Joshua, apreacher's son who chooses abstinence and religious retreats overwild partying. When Maddie returns to town to find the communitycondemns her for her dress and rumors about her past, Joshua discoversnew meaning in his life--and much controversy. AmeliaAtwater-Rhodes' TOKEN OF DARKNESS (9780385737500, $16.99) tells ofCooper, who wakes from a car accident with his football career in ruinsand a mysterious girl by his side - a girl who's a ghost. Nobodyunderstands his dilemma - and the secrets that are being kept. Achilling mystery evolves. Josh Berk's THE DARK DAYS OF HAMBURGERHALPIN (9780375856990, $16.99) tells of a gloomy class field trip in acoal mine, murder, and the troubles of a deaf student who is the new boyin school. Add a mystery and intrigue to the mix and you have anoutstanding story. Polly Horvath's NORTHWARD TO THE MOON(9780375861109, $17.99) tells of Jane's stepfather Ned, who isfired from his job as a French teacher and who thrills Jane with storiesof adventures on the road. She's ready for her whole family to hitthe road - and their choice will lead them to many adventures withrelatives and strangers alike. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell'sBARNABY GRIMES: LEGION OF THE DEAD (9780385751315, $16.99) tells ofcorpses, a delivery boy who runs all over the city, and another BarnabyGrimes mystery revolving around zombies from the dead. Fast action andintrigue abound.

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