Saturday, October 8, 2011

Developing an ACEI Branch. (Program Exchange).

Developing an ACEI Branch. (Program Exchange). In Tennessee Tennessee, state, United StatesTennessee(tĕn`əsē', tĕn'əsē`), state in the south-central United States. , we are currently organizing a statewide ACEI ACEI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme InhibitorACEI Association for Childhood Education InternationalACEI Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland conference to take place in the fall. As I worked on gatheringinformation for this event, I noticed how many members in our state arelisted as professional at-large At-Large is a designation for representative members of a governing body who are elected or appointed to represent the whole membership of the body (for example, a city, state or province, nation, club or association), rather than a subset of that membership. members. I am sure this is true in otherstates, as well. If you are an at-large member of ACEI and areinterested in starting your own Branch, your key resource will be ACEIHeadquarters. When organizing your own Branch, one of the best things to read is"Questions and Answers on Starting a Branch of ACEI." You canrequest this information from Headquarters. It will answer most of thegeneral questions you might have while developing your Branch, includinghow to obtain financial assistance. Assistance from Headquarters isbased on members' dues. After deciding to start a Branch, you also will be supported withinformation on Branch officer responsibilities and help in outlining anddeveloping a constitution. It is also a good idea to get a roster of themembers from your state, so that you can contact them. Another valuable resource to all ACEI members is theassociation's Web site, At this site, you will find alist of all ACEI Branches--local, state, and international. Each BranchPresident is listed, as well as how to reach him or her via E-mail. Ifyou are looking for Looking forIn the context of general equities, this describing a buy interest in which a dealer is asked to offer stock, often involving a capital commitment. Antithesis of in touch with. activities to use with a new program, these peopleare great resources. The Web site also is a tool that establishedBranches can use when looking for new program ideas. This column will be my last as Program Development CommitteeChairperson chairpersonChairman The head of an academic department. See 'Chair.', Cf Chief. . I would like to thank everyone who has contributed ideasand activities from their Branches. It has been an honor As a verb, to accept a bill of exchange, or to pay a note, check, or accepted bill, at maturity. To pay or to accept and pay, or, where a credit so engages, to purchase or discount a draft complying with the terms of the draft. to serve inthis position. --Resa Reed Martin, Program Development Committee

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