Saturday, October 8, 2011

Different, not better: gender differences in mathematics learning and achievement.

Different, not better: gender differences in mathematics learning and achievement. This article reviews the assessment data, literature and researchon gender differences in mathematics. The question of whether boys arebetter at mathematics has been an issue in education for the past 5years. The assumption is that there is a biological difference betweenboys and girls boys and girlsmercurialisannua. that make boys predisposed pre��dis��pose?v. pre��dis��posed, pre��dis��pos��ing, pre��dis��pos�� a. To make (someone) inclined to something in advance: to do better in mathematics.Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. disputes thisassumption. The NAEP NAEP National Assessment of Educational ProgressNAEP National Association of Environmental ProfessionalsNAEP National Association of Educational ProgressNAEP National Agricultural Extension PolicyNAEP Native American Employment Program shows a gap of only 2 points between girls and boysand that has developed only in the last decade. This article reviews theliterature and research on differences in boys and girls and concludesthat there are differences in the way boys and girls learn and processmathematics and that this difference is not being taken into account byour educational system. Suggestions for individualizing the curriculumto meet the needs of both boys and girls in the mathematics classroomare included. ********** Boys and girls are different. One is not better than the other;they are just different. As a result, we can expect that a differenceexists in how boys and girls learning the way they learn. However, inmany classrooms, the classroom climate, learning style, instructionalstyle, and experiences offered to boys and girls may not address theneeds of either gender. This tunnel-vision view that all students learnin the same way regardless of gender, may be doing a disservice dis��ser��vice?n.A harmful action; an injury.disserviceNouna harmful actionNoun 1. to ourstudents. The problem is that traditional methods of teaching have anegative impact on both girls and boys (Gurian, 1998, 2001, 2002b,2003a, 2003b, 2005; Kindlon, 2000, 2006; Pipher, 1994; Pollack pollack:see cod. pollackor pollockEither of two commercially important North Atlantic species of food fish in the cod family (Gadidae). , 1999a). The context of classroom climate, teacher attitudes, learningstyle, instructional style and experiences and activities offered topromote mathematics instruction with young children under the age of 8,need to be addressed to improve outcomes for both sexes. But, how canthe needs of both boys and girls in mathematics programs be met? Mathematics in Schools Today Mathematics in many classrooms is mostly based on a traditionalskills model (Becker, 2003; Bevan, 2001; Brodinsky, 1985; Gamoran,2003). Too often this means memorization mem��o��rize?tr.v. mem��o��rized, mem��o��riz��ing, mem��o��riz��es1. To commit to memory; learn by heart.2. Computer Science To store in memory: and rote rote?1?n.1. A memorizing process using routine or repetition, often without full attention or comprehension: learn by rote.2. Mechanical routine. recitation rec��i��ta��tion?n.1. a. The act of reciting memorized materials in a public performance.b. The material so presented.2. a. Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.b. rather thanactive concept based learning. Imagine a classroom climate thatacknowledges gender differences while considering individual styles andbehaviors (Forgasz, Kloosterman, & Leder, 2004; Gavin & Reis,2003). This classroom climate would be supportive of the mathematicallearning needs of both boys and girls. An essential element in thisapproach is planning a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate,individualized in��di��vid��u��al��ize?tr.v. in��di��vid��u��al��ized, in��di��vid��u��al��iz��ing, in��di��vid��u��al��iz��es1. To give individuality to.2. To consider or treat individually; particularize.3. , and gender responsive. Many assumptions are made about differing abilities of girls andboys when it comes to mathematics. While on the 2005 NAEP, girls lagonly about 3 points behind boys, this is only a recent phenomenon. Inthe 1970's, girls actually out performed boys in all but the 12thgrade test (Bielinski & Davison, 2001; Carpenter, Brown, &Lindquist, 1988; Loveless & Coughlan, 2004; Perie, Grigg, &Dion, 2005). These assumptions about differing levels of ability pervade per��vade?tr.v. per��vad��ed, per��vad��ing, per��vadesTo be present throughout; permeate. See Synonyms at charge.[Latin perv not just the classroom, but home. Leedey, Alone, & Rank, (2003) found that many parents expecttheir young sons to develop mathematical skills earlier than parents ofyoung girls expect their daughters to develop these skills Parents ofolder children believe that their daughters must work harder to attaingood grades in mathematics, while parents of boys place more emphasis onthe importance of learning mathematics. Parents, quite naturally, expectdifferent things from their children, but their attitudes andexpectations have a direct correlation Noun 1. direct correlation - a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other and small with small; the correlation coefficient is between 0 and +1positive correlation to their children'sachievement in mathematics (Campbell & Clewell, 1999; Campbell,Storo, & Educational Resources Information, 1996; Laster, 2004;Levi, 2000). In the classroom, research has also shown that girls tend to feelless confident about their answers on tests and often express doubtabout their performance. Boys, however, tend to show more confidence andsometimes overconfidence o��ver��con��fi��dent?adj.Excessively confident; presumptuous.over��con . This uncertainty on the girls part andover-confidence on the boys part often extends beyond individualproblems into their general view of mathematics (Ai, 2002; Bevan, 2001;Leedy, LaLonde, & Runk, 2003; Li, 2001; Tiedemann, 2000, 2002).There is evidence that as children progress through the early grades(4th and under), girls' enjoyment of mathematics falls off muchmore drastically than in boys. The traditional curriculum and pedagogyof schools seem to perpetuate this disparity (Bevan, 2001). Do all of these expectations ultimately lead to girls"dropping out" of mathematics earlier than boys? Do fewernumbers of girls take higher-level mathematics in High School? Theanswer according to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. the NAEP is a resounding re��sound?v. re��sound��ed, re��sound��ing, re��soundsv.intr.1. To be filled with sound; reverberate: The schoolyard resounded with the laughter of children.2. "no". In fact,regarding the highest level of math taken by 12th grade boys and girls,the statistics are almost identical. In 1999, girls were actuallyslightly more ambitious than boys at the Geometry and two-year Algebra algebra,branch of mathematics concerned with operations on sets of numbers or other elements that are often represented by symbols. Algebra is a generalization of arithmetic and gains much of its power from dealing symbolically with elements and operations (such as level (Perle et al., 2005). Girls have made significant gains, and sincethe NAEP study began in 1978, they are taking the same levels of math as Mathematics courses named Math A, Maths A, and similar are found in: Mathematics education in New York: Math A, Math A/B, Math B Mathematics education in Australia: Maths A, Maths B, Maths C boys and achieving on the same level. Research shows that even thoughgirls are largely keeping pace with boys, there are significantdifferences in their experiences in learning mathematics (Bevan, 2001;Tiedemann, 2000, 2002; Wilson, Snapp, & Texas Foundation forWomen's, 1992). So what does this mean for how we teach in our classrooms? It meansthat we have to be sensitive to the different needs of boys and girls.While their ability and potential to understand higher level mathematicsis equal, their brains are different and more importantly, theirapproach to learning may be different (Allen, 1995; Arnot, Great, &Office for Standards in, 1998; D'Arcangelo, 2001; Gurian, Henley,& Trueman, 2002). This can make developing a mathematics program difficult becauseour traditional textbook based curriculum does not lend itself well toan individual approach to teaching. However, there are a number ofthings that teachers can do to make sure that boys' and girls'needs are met in the classroom regarding mathematics (Tiedemann, 2000,2002). 10 things teachers can do to support math in both boys and girls 1) Avoid Labeling It is very easy to assume that girls are bad at math and boys arebad at language. It is also dangerous to think this way (Barnett &Rivers, 2004). Most teachers would never consciously treat boys andgirls differently, however assumptions about gender roles and mythsabout learning mathematics can sometimes lead to us treating boys andgirls differently without even realizing it. This is what is know as the"self-fulfilling prophesy proph��e��sy?v. proph��e��sied , proph��e��sy��ing , proph��e�� To reveal by divine inspiration.2. To predict with certainty as if by divine inspiration. See Synonyms at foretell. ." If you think a student is going tosucceed, you will treat the child subtly different and because of thatsubtle difference, the child will most likely live up to yourexpectations and vice-versa. Many teachers believe that girls achieve in mathematics due totheir hard work, while boy's achievement is attributed to talent(Jussim & Eccles, 1990, 1992; Madon, Jussim, & Eccles, 1997;Smith, Jussim, & Eccles, 1999). These differing expectations byteachers and parents may lead to boys often receiving preferentialtreatment when it comes to mathematics. Children may internalize internalizeTo send a customer order from a brokerage firm to the firm's own specialist or market maker. Internalizing an order allows a broker to share in the profit (spread between the bid and ask) of executing the order. theseattitudes and begin to believe what their teachers and parents believe.As a result, girls' assessment of their enjoyment of mathematicsfalls much more drastically than boys' assessment as they movethrough the grades. These attitudes may shape the experiences thatchildren have as they are learning mathematics. Teachers and parents should avoid the pervasive gender stereotypingthat is prevalent on television and other media. Girls need to resistthe "princess" culture where appearance and helplessness arepromoted. Positive role models in terms of mathematical ability andthinking will go a long way to developing positive attitudes andabilities in mathematics. 2) Get to know your students learning styles. In a broad sense, girls tend to be read/ write or auditory auditory/au��di��to��ry/ (aw��di-tor?e)1. aural or otic; pertaining to the ear.2. pertaining to��di��to��ryadj. learnersand boys tend to be visual and kinesthetic kin��es��the��sia?n.The sense that detects bodily position, weight, or movement of the muscles, tendons, and joints.[Greek k learners. However, eachindividual, no matter what his or her gender, will have a preferredlearning style and as a teacher or parent, it is important to know whatthis is so the curriculum can be tailored to the child's strength(Bevan, 2001; Fleming, 2005; Molumby, 2004; Singham, 2003). Find out howeach child learns best. Different children may have different ways ofapproaching mathematics. Teachers need to make sure that theircurriculum planning process takes this into account. Visual learners learn by having things shown to them. They mayrespond best to drawing things out or seeing a problem on a chalkboard.Auditory learners like to have things explained to them and enjoytalking through problems. These students would respond well to workingin groups or having a partner to discuss a problem with. They would alsounderstand the problem better if it were read aloud. Read/write learnerslearn by reading things. They would like to read problems and read allthey could find on how to solve the problem. These children would preferto have problems written down and a book as a reference. They would alsounderstand mathematics better if it were written and would prefer toturn in written homework. Kinesthetic learners learn by doing. Theywould like to use objects to solve problems or act out a scenario.Movement and interaction is key to this learning style. These childrenwill understand mathematics best if they can use it to solve everydayproblems. While all students may benefit from a hands-on approach,children who are kinesthetic learners, will understand mathematics inthis way when other methods of instruction fail for them.Contextualizing and interacting with mathematics is vitally importantfor these children. This method requires that teachers reexamine re��ex��am��inealso re-ex��am��ine ?tr.v. re��ex��am��ined, re��ex��am��in��ing, re��ex��am��ines1. To examine again or anew; review.2. Law To question (a witness) again after cross-examination. the traditional methodof teaching, which emphasizes memorization of steps and procedures tosolving specific problems which is so prevalent in U.S. schools(National Center for Education, 1997). 3) Get to know the developmental differences of your children Developmentally, at birth, boys are a few weeks behind girls andremain behind girls until late adolescence (Gurian et al., 2002). Thisdevelopmental difference impacts their early school learning experiencesand has impact throughout their education. Boys' fine motor skills The examples and perspective in this article or section may not represent a worldwide view of the subject.Please [ improve this article] or discuss the issue on the talk page.“Dexterity” redirects here. For other uses, see Dexterity (disambiguation). develop slower than girls and they may have difficulty with handwritingtasks (Pollack, 1999a). Their language and fine motor skills fullymature about six years later than girls (Hanlon, Thatcher Thatch��er? , Margaret Hilda. Baroness. Born 1925.British Conservative politician who served as prime minister (1979-1990). Her administration was marked by anti-inflationary measures, a brief war in the Falkland Islands (1982), and the passage of a , & Cline cline,in biology, any gradual change in a particular characteristic of a population of organisms from one end of the geographical range of the population to the other. ,1999). Therefore, when they enter school they are often less able thangirls to write numbers correctly or align numbers for tasks such asadding and subtracting on paper. Girls, on the other hand, find writingand completing worksheets much easier. Development of the ability to attend also shows variations. Becauseof the different rates of mylenization of the cerebral cortex cerebral cortexLayer of gray matter that constitutes the outer layer of the cerebrum and is responsible for integrating sensory impulses and for higher intellectual functions. , boys maybe less able to sit and attend to information for long periods of time.Girls, however, seem better at self-managing boredom; therefore, theytend to be more attentive in class. This is why boys tend to be morevocal and receive the lion's share of reprimands for poor behavior(Gurian et al., 2002; Pollack, 1999b). Girls are also more willing to learn and see learning as theoutcome of their academic work. Girls do better on open-ended,process-based experiences that encourage independent thinking. Boys alsotend to get bored more easily than girls thus requiring more stimulationto keep them attentive and on task. Repetitive activities are oftendifficult for boys to attend to positively (Gurian et al., 2002; Levi,2000; Pollack, 2002). Requiring long stints in chairs working quietly may fit agirl's developmental level better than boys. Therefore, we observemore misbehavior from boys. Designing activities and schedules thatallow children to manage their boredom in an appropriate manner worksbest. 4) Allow children to solve problems in many different ways Because of the variance in developmental levels and learningstyles, there may be very different ways that children go about solvinga problem. A mathematics program needs to be flexible enough to allowchildren to use their own natural thinking ability and their strengthsto solve problems. Boys and girls have some unique characteristics thatmake a "one way" approach to solving problems inefficient. Many of the worksheets and problems presented in textbooks are alsonot very good at promoting thinking and discussion. These methodsdon't work as well for both boys and girls in the same way.However, since boys tend to adapt to a transmission model better andfunction better in a competitive environment (such as number grades onworksheets and tests and teacher recognition), boys have the advantagein a traditional classroom where traditional textbooks are used (Gurian,2005; Rousso & Wehmeyer, 2001). For example, boys would be more apt to respond to a model ofteaching in which right answers are emphasized. They tend to be focusedon reaching a conclusion quickly and, often, individually. Competition,a drive to please the teacher and a satisfaction with completing veryclear-cut tasks mean that boys respond to a transmission and textbookbased approach better than girls. This does not mean, however, that,this is the best way to present mathematics to children. An analogymight be that children would love to eat candy for dinner, but it is notwhat is best for their long-term health. Girls, on the other hand, tend to look for many different ways tosolve the same problem. Girls use cooperation more than a competitiveapproach and are less concerned with being "first" or"best" and more with being sure that the needs of their closefriends are met as well as their own. They are more likely to help lesscompetent students on problems. Teachers have the direct contact with the students and cantherefore better develop engaging mathematical activities that areappropriate for both boys and girls needs. The teacher is the decisionmaker about curriculum. Using a research knowledge base to inform thecurricular process will help the teacher design appropriate activitiesfor all the children in the class. 5) Using active and exploratory methods of teaching Boys are more physically active and like to engage in moreexploratory play (Barnett & Rivers, 2004; Boland & EducationalResources Information, 1995; Campbell et al., 1996). They like to usetheir bodies to learn. As a result, boys tend to use more personal spaceto work and play. Because of this physicality, boys tend to be more"rough and tumble The first use of the term Rough and Tumble for fighting dates back to the early 1700s in the North American frontier. Rough and Tumble fighting was the original American No Holds Barred underground hybrid "sport" that had but one rule - you win by knocking the man out or making him " or what is often referred to as "boysbeing boys". For teachers and parents it is important to understandthat this is a boy's way of exploring their environment. They movethrough it and experience it. They tend to be a bit vigorous in theirinteraction with objects preferring to throw and bang things rather thancollect and hold things as girls might do. Girls are often less active and use the space provided in themanner specified by the teacher. They tend to use language to reachtheir goals and deal with problems. For example if another child were totake a toy from a fellow 5 year old, a boy might chase the other childdown and grab it back, where as the girls might say "Give thatback! I was playing with it. You can play with it when I am done."(Gurian, 2005) Boys are often unable to verbalize their thought process toteachers or parents in disciplinary matters or in academic matters. Formany boys, communicating verbally is not as easy as using actions. Boyswill often point or shrug to communicate their thoughts. How many timeshave teachers and parents heard "I dunno" to a question thatbegan with "Why"? (Newberger, 2000) Allow boys an outlet for them to interact with mathematics andcommunicate mathematically through their actions rather than words.Using manipulatives allow boys to show what they know or to demonstratea problem. Girls have are better at telling teachers or other studentswhat is on their mind than boys. For girls it is easier to use words toexplain their actions and understandings of mathematics. This is becausegirls use language to build relationships. Boys tend to use language totransmit data. In other words Adv. 1. in other words - otherwise stated; "in other words, we are broke"put differently girls use "rapport" speech whileboys use "report" speech (Santrock, 2005). 6) Visual Spatial versus Language Based approaches to Mathematics Boys tend to be better at visual-spatial tasks such as mentalrotation, spatial perception, and spatial visualization (Halpem, 2004).Boys are also better at quantitative problem solving problem solvingProcess involved in finding a solution to a problem. Many animals routinely solve problems of locomotion, food finding, and shelter through trial and error. and tasks thatinvolve maintaining and manipulating a visual image in working memory(Halpern, 1997, 1998, 2002). Boys will excel at Verb 1. excel at - be good at; "She shines at math"shine atexcel, surpass, stand out - distinguish oneself; "She excelled in math" tangrams and puzzles andusing mathematics to build. Visual problems such as the "figurerotation" problems on many intelligence tests will be more alongthe lines of what boys are comfortable with. Girls tend to be better at verbal processing VERBAL PROCESS. In Louisiana, by this term is understood a written account of any proceeding or operation required by law, signed by the person commissioned to perform the duty, and attested by the signature of witnesses. Vide Proces Verbal. which enables them toretrieve semantic and phonological pho��nol��o��gy?n. pl. pho��nol��o��gies1. The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation.2. information in their long-term memory long-term memoryn. Abbr. LTM The phase of the memory process considered the permanent storehouse of retained information.long-term memory(Halpern, 2004). As a result, girls are better at tasks that requirerapid retrieval of information such as learning mathematics skills suchas the multiplication table multiplication tablen.A table, used as an aid in memorization, that lists the products of certain numbers multiplied together, typically the numbers 1 to 12. (Halpera, 2004). Girls tend to be thestorehouse of knowledge, while boys are more comfortable at applying theknowledge. 7) Developing activities based on different attention levels ofboys and girls Since boys tend to be more active and girls a bit more sedate se��datev.To administer a sedative to; calm or relieve by means of a sedative drug. inclassroom settings, it is important to adjust the teaching environmentto guard against boredom. A negative side effect of surplus boredom isclassroom management problems (Gurian & Stevens, 2005). Boredchildren tend to act out and cause classroom management problems. Boysusually cause most classroom disruptions as evidenced through schoolsuspensions and expulsions because teachers see their physicality asaggressiveness rather than a way of learning. Boys will find ways todeal with their boredom and many times this becomes negative. Teachers,however can keep boys minds occupied in a positive way by incorporatingproblem solving and active learning strategies into the classroom. Boys are often accused of not following instructions or doing whatthey have been asked. Often when boys are asked what they are supposedto do, they do not know. This may be because they really did not hearthe instructions as well as the girls did because boys tend to hear lesswell than girls and process sounds more slowly. Therefore, lessinformation goes to the brain of a boy to be analyzed. They are"auditory--inattentive" which makes it difficult for them topay attention and follow instructions (Newberger, 2000). They may onlyhear the first sentence even though the teacher might have said two orthree sentences. Since girls are better at auditory processing skills,they are better at using language as a learning tool. Girls tend to talk when they are working and boys work withouttalking and interacting. Therefore, girls are more likely to listen andfollow directions better. Girls seem to like to have things explained inuseable, everyday language; whereas, boys find jargon and coded languagemore interesting (Gurian, 2003a). Pairing boys and girls for tasks thatinvolve a lot of following verbal instructions is helpful to both. 8) Competition versus cooperation Designing group work also takes special care when it comes togender differences. Learning mathematics is a social endeavor andinteracting with others while problem solving is a good way to make thelearning active. There are a few things to remember when designing groupexperiences. Girls tend to prefer cooperative learning cooperative learningEducation theory A student-centered teaching strategy in which heterogeneous groups of students work to achieve a common academic goal–eg, completing a case study or a evaluating a QC problem. See Problem-based learning, Socratic method. activities whereas boysprefer competitive ones (Halpern, 2004). Teachers need to make sure thatthese two seemingly conflicting ways of working are incorporated intogroup experiences. This can be achieved by allowing the students to usea "task oriented approach". Providing a group a list of tasksthat they are responsible for achieving and letting the group decide howto best reach their goals. For example, if a groups task is to build ascale model of their school building out of cardboard boxes cardboard boxn → caja de cart��ncardboard boxn → (bo?te f en) carton mcardboard boxcard n → , the boysmay choose tasks that they can do individually and report back to thegroup, such as measuring the school buildings outside walls. The boysmay even compete with each other to see who can come up with the mostaccurate way of measuring the wall or who can do it the fastest.Competition tends to be the mode of interaction for boys. Girls, on theother hand, may choose to work together to find materials and discusshow to scale down the measurements. The girls will work for consensus onthis matter since they tend to emphasize cooperation. Also, boys like to be individually rewarded for what they achieve.So they will want the teacher to individually acknowledge theirachievements in measuring the building and will value thatacknowledgement over any thing the group may receive. They want everyoneto know that they are the best (Boaler, 2002; Hall, Davis, Bolen, &Chia, 1999; Levine, 1995). 9) Individual versus Group Boys tend to like to work alone. They prefer to work independentlyand in silence. Even in groups they tend to work independently and thenreport to a group leader (King & Gurian, 2006; Soderman &Phillips, 1986; Yamaguchi & Maehr, 2004). Boys are moreindividualistic and often like to work alone in competition withthemselves or others. Girls, however, tend to focus more on the needs ofthe group rather than their own needs. They seem to enjoy developinginterpersonal relationships This article or section may contain original research or unverified claims.Please help Wikipedia by adding references. See the for details.This article has been tagged since September 2007. with their peers and their teachers,however, boys are less adult oriented and more responsive to their placein their peer environment. Girls want the whole group to succeed. Their emphasis oncooperation makes it less necessary for individuals to be singled out.However, girls will expect everyone to pull their weight in the groupand will get extremely irritated ir��ri��tate?v. ir��ri��tat��ed, ir��ri��tat��ing, ir��ri�� To rouse to impatience or anger; annoy: a loud bossy voice that irritates listeners. if someone is not doing what theyagreed to do. Given the differences in group work behaviors Work behavior is a term used to describe the behavior one uses in the workplace and is normally more formal than other types of human behavior. This varies from profession to profession, as some are far more casual than others. , thisusually leads to conflict between the girls in the group and the boysabout credit for the work achieved. Teachers need to make sure there areways to assess achievement in groups individually and as a cooperativegroup (King & Gurian, 2006). 10) Inductive inductive1. eliciting a reaction within an organism.2.inductive heatinga form of radiofrequency hyperthermia that selectively heats muscle, blood and proteinaceous tissue, sparing fat and air-containing tissues. versus deductive reasoning Deductive reasoningUsing known facts to draw a conclusion about a specific situation. Boys seem to be better at deductive reasoning and abstractthinking; whereas, girls are better at inductive reasoning Inductive reasoningThe attempt to use information about a specific situation to draw a conclusion. and concretethinking (Gurian, 2001, 2002a). Boys reason from the general to theparticular or from cause to effect. They use ideas and concepts andlater apply those ideas and concepts to problem solving. Deductivereasoning and abstract thinking makes it easier for boys to do better onmultiple-choice tests. Girls on the other hand, reason from observationsor detailed facts to general principles and benefit from the use of realexperiences in problem solving. If boys tend to learn better from part to whole and girls fromwhole to part, design a lesson that allows students to arrive at thesame answer in many different ways. Have the students share theirmethods for solving the problem. Open-ended questions A closed-ended question is a form of question, which normally can be answered with a simple "yes/no" dichotomous question, a specific simple piece of information, or a selection from multiple choices (multiple-choice question), if one excludes such non-answer responses as dodging a that allowstudents the freedom to reach the solution in their own way and allowfor both inductive and deductive reasoning work best for both boys andgirls (Halpern, 2002; Spelke, 2005). Here is an example: Present the children with the following chart and explain that eachletter of the alphabet costs a certain amount of money starting with a,which costs $.01 and Z which costs $.26 A B C D E F G.01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 H I J K L M N.08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 O P -Q- R S T U.15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 V W X Y Z.22 .23 .24 .25 .26 Ask them questions like how much is their name worth? Who has themost expensive name? Who has the least expensive name? Teachers can alsomake up other questions that they like dealing with how much words areworth. Here comes the inductive and deductive de��duc��tive?adj.1. Of or based on deduction.2. Involving or using deduction in��duc thinking part. Askchildren if they can come up with words that cost exactly one dollar.Boys and girls approach to this problem will differ because of thedifference in inductive and deductive reasoning. Over the next few weeksand months, create a poster on the wall somewhere in the room and everytime a child comes up with a "one dollar word" have themexplain how they discovered it, and put the word on the poster. Thisactivity allows children to think mathematically in ways that they arecomfortable whether the child is a boy or a girl. Gender equity is supported when teachers develop a few thoughtfulproblems such this one. Another good example is presented in Firstgraders dividing 62 by 5 a teacher uses Piaget's theory (Kamii,Clark, Housman, & Teachers, 2000) In this video, children are askedto figure out how many 5 cent erasers can be bought if a student had 62cents. This method benefits both boys and girls as they can discuss andpresent their solutions in ways that are understandable to each child.Students also work on fewer problems for a longer period of time,allowing for cooperative discussions and competitive arguments (whichever each child prefers). Keep in mind the differences between how boys and girls learn andimplement and use these differences to your advantage. For example, ifwe know that boys often are more deductive reasoners and girls are moreinductive reasoners, make sure that you have problems that allow thestudents to use both of these ways of thinking to solve problems. Thebest problems can be solved in many different ways and by using manydifferent ways of reasoning. These problems are usually called"brainteasers" and are considered to be extra or bonus work.It is amazing a��maze?v. a��mazed, a��maz��ing, a��maz�� To affect with great wonder; astonish. See Synonyms at surprise.2. Obsolete To bewilder; perplex.v.intr. that children usually love these kinds of mathematicsproblems even if they despise de��spise?tr.v. de��spised, de��spis��ing, de��spis��es1. To regard with contempt or scorn: despised all cowards and flatterers.2. the drudgery of the traditional worksheet. Conclusion It is interesting to note, that while there are only slightdifferences between sexes in NAEP tests that were given 21 years apart,in 1999, girls were always out performed by boys in all the grades,whereas in 1978, boys only came out on top in the 12th grade numbers. Sowe could ask what has changed in the past 20 years. It would seem thatthe impacts of standards ,back to basics approaches and high stakes High Stakes is a British sitcom starring Richard Wilson that aired in 2001. It was written by Tony Sarchet. The second series remains unaired after the first received a poor reception. testing have benefited boys more than girls. This is exactly what wewould expect given the differences between boys and girls and therigidity rigidity/ri��gid��i��ty/ (ri-jid��i-te) inflexibility or stiffness.clasp-knife rigidity of the traditional mathematics curriculum that we havediscussed. These results suggest strongly that the question is not whetherboys are more capable at mathematics than girls, but rather, how are ourteaching practices in mathematics affecting the mathematical learning ofboys and girls differently and who is benefiting more. We contend thatneither boys nor girls are benefiting from this emphasis on astandardized standardizedpertaining to data that have been submitted to standardization procedures.standardized morbidity ratesee morbidity rate.standardized mortality ratesee mortality rate. skills based approach brought about by an overemphasis o��ver��em��pha��size?tr. & intr.v. o��ver��em��pha��sized, o��ver��em��pha��siz��ing, o��ver��em��pha��siz��esTo place too much emphasis on or employ too much emphasis. onproficiency testing proficiency testn → prueba de capacitaci��nand "No Child Left Behind." If you trulywant children to excel in mathematics, whatever their gender, theirnatural learning styles and thinking ability must be utilized. Children are natural problem solvers no matter what their gender orethnicity. They may go about solving the problem differently dependingon their gifts and preferences and developmental levels, but they allhave a natural thinking ability. If they arrive at an incorrect solutionto a problem, it is not because they are "dumb" but rather,because they are using their minds and natural thinking abilitiesdifferently. Instead of writing off errors as failures we should examinethe thinking process moved that child to an answer. You might be amazed a��maze?v. a��mazed, a��maz��ing, a��maz�� To affect with great wonder; astonish. See Synonyms at surprise.2. Obsolete To bewilder; perplex.v.intr. at what you find. Using the approach of focusing on the process of mathematics andproblem solving rather than solely on the correct answer will allow adiversity of thinking and the flowering of all sorts of mathematicalbehavior in boys and girls. 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Leadership: The Relationships With Group Characteristics and Outcomes.Small Group Research, 35(4), 388-406. Eugene A. Geist Ph.D., Associate Professor. Margaret King Ed.D.,Professor, Ohio University Ohio University,main campus at Athens; state supported; coeducational; chartered 1804, opened 1809 as the first college in the Old Northwest. There are additional campuses at Chiillicothe, Lancaster, and Zanesville, as well as facilities throughout the state. . Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr.Eugene A. Geist at

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