Sunday, October 9, 2011

Deriving library value through SWOT, Scorecard, then Six Sigma.

Deriving library value through SWOT, Scorecard, then Six Sigma. The measure of library excellence: linking the Malcolm Baldrige People: Howard M. Baldrige, Congressman from Nebraska Howard M. Baldrige, Jr., United States Secretary of Commerce Awards: Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award named after Howard M. Baldrige, Jr. Criteria and Balanced Scorecard Balanced ScorecardA performance metric used in strategic management to identify and improve various internal functions and their resulting external outcomes. The balanced scorecard attempts to measure and provide feedback to organizations in order to assist in implementing methods to assess service quality. ByDespina D. Wilson, Theresa Del Tufo and Anne E.C. Norman. Jefferson, NC:McFarland and Company, 2008. 220 pp. US$49.95. Soft cover ISBN ISBNabbr.International Standard Book NumberISBNInternational Standard Book NumberISBNn abbr (= International Standard Book Number) → ISBN m13:9780786430369. Assuming that research into the quality of library services is avaluable tool and not merely a symptom of managerial paranoia, this workclearly presents an interesting explanation of how the combination oftwo metrical met��ri��cal?adj.1. Of, relating to, or composed in poetic meter: metrical verse; five metrical units in a line.2. Of or relating to measurement. processes may be applied to produce practical data andinformation for library administrators. The Baldrige Criteria determineorganisational readiness using the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats) analysis approach to provide the foundationfor measuring the success or failure of the organisation's mission.The Balanced Scorecard provides the framework for refining thelibrary's mission and strategies in the four key related areas ofcustomer service and satisfaction, the organisation's internalprocesses, knowledge and growth, and financial matters. If all thissounds familiar, the innovation consists of the sequential use of theCriteria followed by the Scorecard, and finally the employment of othertools such as Six Sigma Not to be confused with Sigma 6.Six Sigma is a set of practices originally developed by Motorola to systematically improve processes by eliminating defects.[1] A defect is defined as nonconformity of a product or service to its specifications. . The authors contend that libraries ...need to improve services and public image exponentially in order to compete successfully with the internet and private enterprise, such as and Barnes and Noble. The dynamic combination of these two tested approaches to organizational success (Baldrige Criteria and Balanced Scorecard) is the answer to public libraries [sic] critical need to compete with private enterprise and to improve performance. Traditional collection (and publication) of customer visits andbook borrowing statistics fails to '...reflect the total picture ofthe growth in library services', particularly in the area ofnetwork services and resources. This is hardly news, of course, butnevertheless remains a serious failure to exploit potential managementinformation needed to direct the future growth of library services--aswell as to ignore its publicity value at a time when the futurerelevance of public libraries is being questioned. There are two particularly useful features about this work. First,the authors not only clearly explain exactly what the tools are and howthey may be used, but specifically explain why they are pertinent to thelibrary management situation (e.g. 'why should libraries use thebalanced scorecard?'). Second, the work is generously illustratedwith diagrams, tables and charts which complement the text. The authorscertainly believe in what they have written, and their enthusiasm isinfectious; but is the book actually worth buying and reading? Theanswer has to be 'yes'--but not by everyone. However, thelibrary management team will want to consider this book'scombination of methodologies alongside those suggested elsewhere, andwill benefit from doing so. Edward Reid-Smith Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University (CSU) is an Australian multi-campus university in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. It has campuses at Bathurst, Albury-Wodonga, Dubbo, Orange and Wagga Wagga.

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