Thursday, October 6, 2011

Disney Educational Productions.

Disney Educational Productions. Disney Educational Productions 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521-6307 Three more installments in "The Science of DisneyImagineering" DVD DVD:see digital versatile disc. DVDin full digital video disc or digital versatile discType of optical disc. The DVD represents the second generation of compact-disc (CD) technology. series continue to blend educational value andfun into a classroom-friendly (or home school friendly) package.Magnetism (159753241X, $49.95) explores how magnetism is put to use inDisney theme parks, from magnetic connectors that direct guests toplaying back sound in popular attractions. the basics of attraction andrepulsion repulsion/re��pul��sion/ (re-pul��shun)1. the act of driving apart or away; a force that tends to drive two bodies apart.2. of opposite poles, magnetic fields magnetic fields, the spaces in which magnetic forces are detectable; created by magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers to cause the tips of instruments such as ultrasonic scalers to vibrate. and domains, andelectromagnets are also covered. Animal Adaptations: Communication(1597532436, $49.95) explores the manner in which a variety of amazingcreatures connect with one another - from how naked mole rats identifyfamily members, to how meerkats let one another know it's safe toforage for food, to how dolphins recognize one another even if theirwater has low visibility. Newton's 3 Laws of Motion laws of motion?See Newton's laws of motion. (1597532428,$49.95) introduces young people to the solid basic principles that thegreat mathematical master deduced, and how they affect the motion ofobjects ranging from theme park rides to activities in everyday life.All three DVDs include a bonus "Try It Yourself" experiment,an interactive assessment to help reinforce key learning points,correlation to educational standards, public performance rights (forclassroom/educational use only), and a downloadable educator'sguide with additional activities and resources. All are a great, highlyrecommended way to help get kids excited about science. Two excellent,educational Disney DVDs help make basic algebra accessible to youngpeople. Both are "classroom edition" DVDs particularly idealfor use in public or private schools (or home schooling home schooling,the practice of teaching children in the home as an alternative to attending public or private elementary or high school. In most cases, one or both of the children's parents serve as the teachers. ). BillNye's Solving For X: Pre-Algebra, Volume 1 (1597532444, $29.95)covers infinite fractions, exponents, signed numbers & proportionalreasoning. Bill Nye's Solving For X: Algebra I, Volume 1(1597532452, $29.95) covers variables, balancing equations, dimensionalanalysis, and linear equations. Enhancing the colorful presentationfeaturing ways in which mathematics is directly useful in real life, theSolving for X DVDs also includes an interactive whiteboard assessmentgame that students can play independently, in teams, or as an entireclass, as well as a downloadable educator's guide with additionalresources and activities, and correlations to National CurriculumStandards. Due to their step-by-step, user-friendly format, both DVDsare also useful for teens and adults who need a refresher in algebrabasics! Highly recommended.

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