Sunday, October 9, 2011

Democratic teacher beliefs according to the teacher's gender and locus of control.

Democratic teacher beliefs according to the teacher's gender and locus of control. This study explored the variations in democratic beliefs amongteachers based on gender and locus of control locus of controln.A theoretical construct designed to assess a person's perceived control over his or her own behavior. The classification internal locus indicates that the person feels in control of events; external locus . The study groupscomprised of 286 teachers. The results demonstrated that the level ofadherence adherence/ad��her��ence/ (ad-her��ens) the act or condition of sticking to something.immune adherence to democratic beliefs on the part of female teachers wassignificantly higher than those of male teachers, especially in terms ofequality and justice. This study found that teachers' gender has aneffect on their democratic beliefs and this effect was foundstatistically low for equality, very low for freedom, average forjustice, and low for the overall dimensions. Observance of democraticvalues was found to be significantly higher for teachers with internallocus of control than for those with external locus of control in termsof freedom. And, in terms of locus of control, teachers' democraticbelief was found statistically low for equality, average forindependence, low for justice, and average for the overall dimensions. Keywords: Democratic Teacher Beliefs, Gender, Locus of Control ********** If we are to have a society that values democratic ideals, such asequality, freedom and justice, we need to educate individuals withinthat society in a democratic milieu mi��lieun. pl. mi��lieus or mi��lieux1. The totality of one's surroundings; an environment.2. The social setting of a mental patient.milieu[Fr.] surroundings, environment. . Among all others, theresponsibility lies with teachers who have an appreciation for democracyto nurture NURTURE. The act of taking care of children and educating them: the right to the nurture of children generally belongs to the father till the child shall arrive at the age of fourteen years, and not longer. Till then, he is guardian by nurture. Co. Litt. 38 b. individuals in the society and have been educated in ademocratic milieu. To this end, teachers need to have acquired the basicbehavioral patterns In software engineering, behavioral design patterns are design patterns that identify common communication patterns between objects and realize these patterns. By doing so, these patterns increase flexibility in carrying out this communication. that comply with those adopted by the society.Teachers' acquisition of certain personality traits developsthrough social learning. The social learning approach involves personaland environmental aspects, and the interaction between these two.Bandura ban`dur´an. 1. A traditional Ukrainian stringed musical instrument shaped like a lute, having many strings. (1986) points out that individuals would always be in a constantstate of change towards harmony, regardless of the transient A malfunction that occurs at random intervals and lasts for a short duration such as a spike or surge in a power line or a memory cell that intermittently fails. See spike and power surge. transient - 1. effectsleft on them if their behavior was determined by external rewards andpunishments. And, this idea indicates that behavioral changes are notdetermined solely by individual factors. The condition for sociallearning lies in individuals' realization that other people'sbehaviors and the outcomes of these behaviors are rewarded and punished pun��ish?v. pun��ished, pun��ish��ing, pun��ish�� To subject to a penalty for an offense, sin, or fault.2. To inflict a penalty for (an offense).3. .In this way, Bandura (1977) defines character as the interaction ofpersonal variables such as behavior, environment, and perception. And,Banduras (1997) further comments on the significance of the interactionby saying that mutual interaction between increases ambiguity AmbiguityDelphic oracleultimate authority in ancient Greece; often speaks in ambiguous terms. [Gk. Hist.: Leach, 305]Iseult’s vowpledge to husband has double meaning. [Arth. withinsociety and diversification DiversificationA risk management technique that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. It is designed to minimize the impact of any one security on overall portfolio performance.Notes:Diversification is possibly the greatest way to reduce the risk. encourages individuals to develop theirpotentials and gives them a chance to select, change, or shape theirsurroundings. In this process of interaction, personality traits such as genderand locus of control help better understand the effects of selfawareness and environmental factors on behaviour (Carlson et al., 2000).Through males and females, individuals learn about gender-appropriatebelief patterns, personal preferences, abilities, personality traits andego (Wade & Tavris, 1990). By means of social learning, individualslearn about gender-related stereo types, gender roles, behaviors, andattitudes (Uzzel & Natalie, 2006). According to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. cultural beliefpatterns, males are more competent, independent, decisive, and rational.On the contrary, females are less competent, competitive, ambitious,independent, and active (Broverman et al., 1972). When interviewed ongender-related beliefs and roles, in their responses college studentsattributed the following abilities to males--athletically andmechanically gifted, good at grasping graspinga similar equine neurosis to windsucking; the horse grasps a fixed object with its teeth, but does not swallow air. economics, good observers andpossess intellectual excellence, a good grasp of science, theoreticalunderstanding, common sense, expertise, and professional skills. Forfemales they attributed these qualifies--possess social skills, anunderstanding of interpersonal relationship This article or section may contain original research or unverified claims.Please help Wikipedia by adding references. See the for details.This article has been tagged since September 2007. , appreciation for art,domestic skills, satire appreciation, and physical appearance (Center1971 quarters: Bruess & Greenberg 2004) Related to an individual's personal qualities, the locus ofcontrol is a personality trait trait(trat)1. any genetically determined characteristic; also, the condition prevailing in the heterozygous state of a recessive disorder, as the sickle cell trait.2. a distinctive behavior pattern. developed through social learning. Rotter(1966) holds that an individual has an internal locus of control ifshe/he is influenced by his/her own actions and initiatives, and she/hehas an external locus of control if consequences of his/her actions areinfluenced by such strong factors as luck and fate. When compared to individuals with external locus of control,individuals with internal locus of control are found to spend more timeon intellectual and academic activities and achieve better results inschool and competitions. Moreover, they are found to be more active insocial activities, but determined against hardships as well as stronglyobjecting to self limitations. These individuals perceive themselves asindependent and assume responsibility. They are found to exhibitindependence in their social actions and possess entrepreneurialqualities as wells as such other attributes as being consistent andjudicious ju��di��cious?adj.Having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent.[From French judicieux, from Latin i . On the other hand, individuals with external locus of controlexhibit traits such as low self esteem with increased depressive de��pres��siveadj.1. Tending to depress or lower.2. Depressing; gloomy.3. Of or relating to psychological depression.n.A person suffering from psychological depression. state,feeling of despair, loneliness, conformist con��form��ist?n.A person who uncritically or habitually conforms to the customs, rules, or styles of a group.adj.Marked by conformity or convention: and passive, not trusting theself and others, and aggressive (Yesilyaprak, 2004). When we closely examine the personality traits of individuals withinternal locus of control, we can see positive aspects in them.Teachers, in particular, possess all of these positive personalitytraits, thus, they are supposed to assume more active roles in socialactivities as they appreciate and respect them. This type of teacher isregarded by Hendersen (2001) as "a noble." When we think aboutthe roles assumed by teachers within and outside the school, it becomesevident that teachers need to set a good example for students,coworkers, administrators, parents, their own family members, and otherpeople. In this respect, teachers, who assume the role of teacher in theclassroom, father/mother in the family, educator in society, are obliged o��blige?v. o��bliged, o��blig��ing, o��blig�� To constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means.2. to act non-preferentially, but impartially im��par��tial?adj.Not partial or biased; unprejudiced. See Synonyms at fair1.impar��ti��al towards people, fosterindependence and impart knowledge to others. Fulfillment ful��fillalso ful��fil ?tr.v. ful��filled, ful��fill��ing, ful��fills also ful��fils1. To bring into actuality; effect: fulfilled their promises.2. of theseobligations calls for a teacher who believes in democratic values. Inthis sense, the term "democratic teacher" entails believing inthe equality of every person in the society, in basic human rights andliberties, and in absolute justice for all (Buyukkaragoz & Kesici,1998). Freedom underlies democracy. And, among the ranges of personalliberty include respecting a person's life, protection, fair trial,privacy, freedom of speech, religious freedom, and freedom to marry andset up a family (Aktan & Vural, 2003). Attaining the above mentionedranges of freedom should remain a desired objective (Tenekides, 1987). In order to allow students more freedom, a democratic teachershould appreciate democratic values and adopt appropriate teachingmethods in which students can easily express their thoughts (Selvi,2006; Hepburn, 1983). A free society and a free individual call for justice. And, tobetter understand the concept of justice, we need to explain the conceptof "equality." Mill suggests that democratization de��moc��ra��tize?tr.v. de��moc��ra��tized, de��moc��ra��tiz��ing, de��moc��ra��tiz��esTo make��moc within thespheres of politics, economy, individual, and family necessitatesdemocracy education as well as an understanding of the relationshipbetween freedom and equality--the two components of a democraticeducation (Baum, 2003). We need to allow democracy to fully operate with all its componentsso that the above mentioned spheres of freedom can continue and expand,and allow individuals to enjoy equality and have faith in the equalopportunities offered to them. The basic purpose in democratic societiesis the operation of justice. As Rawls (2000) suggests, the two basicconditions for justice must be met so that justice can bind the societytogether. The first of these conditions entails adopting the broadest ofbasic personal liberties as equal fights. This is because these fightsare rather broad and at an equal distance to every individual. Spheresof liberties are similar to each other and they do not exhibitdisharmony dis��har��mo��ny?n.1. Lack of harmony; discord.2. Something not in accord; a conflict: "the disharmonies that assail the most fortunate of mortals"Peter Gay. among themselves. Rawls second principle of justice entailsadoption of a policy that yields the most benefit from the smallestadvantage. These two principles play a key role in fostering cooperationand support within society. It should be noted that justice is anindispensable component of a harmonious and smooth functioning family,individual, society, tribe tribe[Lat., tribus: the tripartite division of Romans into Latins, Sabines, and Etruscans], a social group bound by common ancestry and ties of consanguinity and affinity; a common language and territory; and characterized by a political and economic , and community (Taylor, 2003). For teachers to possess democratic values, they need to obtain ademocracy education based on the basic principles for a democracy suchas justice, equality, freedom, and cooperation. This is becauseindividuals are taught gender roles, personality traits, and democraticvalues through democracy education (Buyukkaragoz & Kesici, 1997a;Buyukkaragoz & Kesici, 1997b; Buyukkaragoz & Kesici, 1998;Gozutok, 1995; Novak, 1994; Osier osier(ō`zhər): see willow. & Starkey, 1994; Vergara &Vergara, 1994; Wood, 1990; Worsfold, 1997). This study aimed to investigate variation and the scale ofinfluence of gender and locus of control on democratic teacher beliefs.In this respect, the following questions were answered in this study: 1. Are democratic teacher beliefs (justice, equality, freedom andTotal Democratic Teacher's Belief) of male teachers significantlydifferent from those of female teachers? 2. Are democratic teacher beliefs (justice, equality, freedom andTotal Democratic Teacher's Belief) of teachers who have internallocus of control significantly different from those of teachers who haveexternal locus of control? Method Research Approach In this study, the researcher used a quantitative method. Aquantitative approach also allowed the researcher to include a largenumber of subjects. These quantitative data enabled the researcher todetermine whether significant associations between independent variables(gender and locus of control) and dependent variables (democraticTeacher Beliefs and its dimensions) exist, using statistical techniquessuch as independent t test and Cohen's d (Cooligan, 1996;Kerlinger, 1986). Study Group The principle of voluntarism voluntarismMetaphysical or psychological system that assigns a more predominant role to the will (Latin, voluntas) than to the intellect. Christian philosophers who have been described as voluntarist include St. Augustine, John Duns Scotus, and Blaise Pascal. was a pre-condition for participationin this study. Instructional information was prepared about theimplementation of this study. The goal of this research and how thestudy would be carded out were clearly stated. In addition, it wasemphasized that the identities of the participants would remainconfidential. Participants in this study were randomly selected fromteachers from all branches of secondary and high schools in Van City,Turkey. The sample consists of 286 teachers-181 male (63.3%) and 105female (36.7%). Instruments To collect data for the study we used a "Non-DemocraticTeacher Belief Scale" and "Internal-External Locus of ControlScale." The Non-Democratic Teacher Belief Scale: This scale was developedby Schlectman (2002) to measure democratic teacher belief. This scalewas adapted to Turkish by Kesici (2006). The internal reliability scoreof the scale is 0.81. The internal consistency In statistics and research, internal consistency is a measure based on the correlations between different items on the same test (or the same subscale on a larger test). It measures whether several items that propose to measure the same general construct produce similar scores. for each subscalecalculated was found to be--for equality 0.77, for freedom 0.72, and forjustice 0.72. This scale was found to have positive and significantmeasurement reliability (r =.36, p< .001). The Non-Democratic TeacherBelief Scale has a total score of 4 from the sections of Justice,Equality, Freedom, and Total Democratic Teacher's Belief. A higherscore from the scale shows that teachers are not in favor of upon the side of; favorable to; for the advantage of.See also: favor anon-democratic classroom and school contexts, and they uphold up��hold?tr.v. up��held , up��hold��ing, up��holds1. To hold aloft; raise: upheld the banner proudly.2. To prevent from falling or sinking; support.3. democraticteaching beliefs. Whereas, lower scores from the same scale indicatethey don't possess democratic beliefs. The Internal-External Locus of Control Scale: This scale, developedby Rotter (1966), is called the Social Reaction Survey for purposes ofthis study. It was used to measure the extent to which teachers had aninternal or external locus of control. This scale was adapted to Turkishby Dag Dag(h)dagreat god of Celts; father of Danu. [Celtic Myth.: Parrinder, 68; Jobes, 405]See : FatherhoodDag(h)da god of abundance, war, healing. [Celtic Myth. (1991). The internal reliability score of the scale is .71. Themeasurement reliability of its scale was found significant with negativeand positive values. (r = -.29, p < .001; r = .21, p < .001) Analysis of the Data An independent t-test was used to test the relationship between thegender and locus of control of teachers and their democratic teacherbeliefs. Cohen's Method was employed to determine the statisticaleffects the variables of teachers' gender and locus of control haveon their democratic beliefs. Results Democratic Teacher Beliefs According to Gender To test democratic teacher beliefs of teachers in terms of gender,an independent t-test was used. The results of this analysis (see Table1) showed female teachers score significantly higher than male teachersin sharing democratic beliefs as indicated by the results from the subdimensions of Equality t(286)=2.041, p< .05, and Justicet(286)=2.493, p< .05. No significant difference was found betweengender and the sub-dimensions of Total Democratic Teacher Beliefst(286)=1.743, p> .05 and Freedom t(286)=-0.035, p> .05. The values emerging from calculations with Cohen's Methodreveal the statistical effects the variable of gender has onteachers' democratic belief. It was demonstrated that the amount ofeffect is low for the Equality factor, particularly low for Freedom,average for Justice dimension, and low for the overall dimensions (seeTable 1). Democratic Teacher Beliefs According to Locus of Control An independent t-test technique was used to test the democraticteacher beliefs of teachers in terms of their locus of control. Theresults of this analysis revealed that teachers with internal locus ofcontrol scored significantly higher than those with external locus ofcontrol in terms of sharing democratic beliefs as indicated by thesub-dimension of Freedom t(286)=2.225,p< .05. No significantdifference could be found in the locus of control and the sub-dimensionsof Equality, t(286)=- 1.178,p> .05, Justice t(286)=- 1.414, p>.05, Total Democratic Teacher's Beliefs t(286)=1.932, p> .05(see Table 2). The values obtained from Cohen's Method are intended to revealthe statistical effects that the variable of locus of control has onteachers' democratic beliefs. It was determined that the amount ofeffect is low for the sub-dimensions of Equality, average for Freedom,low for Justice, and average for overall dimensions. Discussion This study indicated a significant variation between teachers'democratic beliefs scores and gender as well as low-to-moderate degreesof influence. The research results are consistent with the results inthe literature (Buyukkaragoz, Kesici, & Yilmaz, 1995; Buyukkaragoz& Kesici, 1996; Buyukkaragoz & Kesici, 1997a; Buyukkaragoz &Kesici, 1997b; Kesici, 2006). In other words Adv. 1. in other words - otherwise stated; "in other words, we are broke"put differently , the study showed thatfemale teachers share significantly more democratic teacher beliefs thanmales in terms of Equality and Justice sub dimensions. The findingsemerging from this study match those in Kesici's (2006) study.Likewise, Shectman points out that female teacher beliefs differ frommale teacher beliefs (in terms of authority, freedom, assistance, andrules/limitations). The amount of influence the gender variable has on teachers'democratic beliefs can statistically be shown as low for Equality, verylow for Freedom, average for Justice, and low for the overalldimensions. The findings obtained from this study match Kesici's(2006) with the exception of the Equality sub dimension (moderate levelof influence). Wood (1990) highlights the importance gender education,based on democratic values, in pointing out that it is only throughsexuality education involving democratic values that we can raise maleand female individuals contributing to a society and world, where basicdemocratic values such as equality, justice, and cooperation dominate.Females and males in a society need to acquire democratic valuescollectively. Along the same vein, Goldfarb and Konstance (2000) notethat sexuality education should be practiced in democratic classroomcontexts in line with democratic principles. This study found variation and a low-to-moderate degree ofinfluence between teachers' scores in democratic teacher beliefsand their locus of control. It was also seen that teachers with internallocus of control scored significantly higher than those with externallocus of control in the Freedom sub dimension. Cheng (1994) points outthat teachers with internal locus of control hold a positive attitude inschool-related activities. Furthermore, teachers' internal andexternal satisfactions were determined by their internal locus ofcontrol. This conclusion was further corroborated cor��rob��o��rate?tr.v. cor��rob��o��rat��ed, cor��rob��o��rat��ing, cor��rob��o��ratesTo strengthen or support with other evidence; make more certain. See Synonyms at confirm. by the findings ofthis study. So, a connection can be established between holding apositive opinion about school organization and an individual'stendency to feel uninhibited uninhibited/un��in��hib��it��ed/ (un?in-hib��i-ted) free from usual constraints; not subject to normal inhibitory mechanisms. at school. Sunbul (2003) found a positivecorrelation Noun 1. positive correlation - a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other and small with small; the correlation coefficient is between 0 and +1direct correlation between teacher's emotional exhaustion Emotional exhaustion is a chronic state of physical and emotional depletion that results from excessive job demands and continuous hassles.[1] it describes feeling of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one's work. and an externalfocus of control. The fact that teachers have an internal locus ofcontrol and score higher than those with external locus of controldiminishes their exhaustion ExhaustionSituation in which a majority of participants trading in the same asset are either long or short, leaving few investors to take the other side of the transaction when participants wish to close their positions. in school organizations. The statistical degree of influence of the variable ofteachers' locus of control on their democratic beliefs is low forEquality sub dimension, moderate for Freedom sub dimension, low forJustice sub dimension, and moderate for the Total DemocraticTeacher's Belief dimension. According to Cheng, factors such as thestructure of school organization, teachers' social norms, culture,and efficiency the organization are important for teachers with internallocus of control in their perception of the organization of school.Therefore, this study substantiates Cheng's conclusion by findingthere are moderate degree of interaction between democratic teacherbeliefs and the sub dimension of Freedom in terms of the locus ofcontrol. This conclusion is determined from the fact that teachers withinternal locus of control create school organizations that make for aschool culture and school structure, where they enjoy democratic andfree contexts. According to Lunenburg and Cadavid (1992), teachers whodescribe themselves as feeling too exhausted are likely to have externallocus of control and this situation may stem from the possibility theseteachers may not be offered democratic school contexts or they may notbe treating each other equally. 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Sahin Kesici, Ph.D., Department of Educational Sciences, College ofEducation, Selcuk University Meram, Konya 42080, Turkey Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr.Sahin Kesici at 1 Teachers' Democratic Belief Levels according to GenderDemocratic Gender N Mean S t d .Teacher's Belief Dev.DimensionsEquality Female 105 36.05 5.79 Male 181 34.60 5.82Freedom Female 105 45.33 5.72 Male 181 45.35 6.25Justice Female 105 32.26 5.08 Male 181 30.58 5.75Total Female 105 113.65 13.19DemocraticTeacher's Belief Male 181 110.54 15.31Democratic Gender -t- P Cohen'sTeacher's Belief dDimensionsEquality Female 2.041 * 0.042 0.277 MaleFreedom Female -0.035 0.972 0.0004 MaleJustice Female 2.493 * 0.013 0.339 MaleTotal Female 1.743 0.082 0.238DemocraticTeacher's Belief MaleTable 2 Teachers' Democratic Belief Levels with Internal-externalLocus of ControlDemocratic Locus N Mean S t d .Teacher's Belief of Dev.Dimensions controlEquality Internal 227 35.34 5.87 External 59 34.33 5.71Freedom Internal 227 45.75 5.95 External 59 43.79 6.25Justice Internal 227 31.43 5.42 External 59 30.28 6.04Total Internal 227 112.53 14.39DemocraticTeacher'sBelief External 59 108.42 15.17Democratic Locus -t- PTeacher's Belief of Cohen'sDimensions control dEquality Internal 1.178 0.240 0.192 ExternalFreedom Internal 2.225 * 0.027 0.363 ExternalJustice Internal 1.414 0.159 0.230 ExternalTotal Internal 1.932 0.054 0.314DemocraticTeacher'sBelief External

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