Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Hire' education: a vocational model succeeds".

"Hire' education: a vocational model succeeds". --CNN March 7, 2007 Are you using what you learned in high school? Students andgraduates from Central Educational Center (CEC (Central Electronic Complex) The set of hardware that defines a mainframe, which includes the CPU(s), memory, channels, controllers and power supplies included in the box. Some CECs, such as IBM's Multiprise 2000 and 3000, include data storage devices as well. ) in Coweta County,Georgia Coweta County is a county located in the U.S. state of Georgia. As of 2000, the population was 89,215. The 2006 Census Estimate placed the population at 115,291 [1]. The county seat is Newnan, Georgia6. , will answer with a resounding re��sound?v. re��sound��ed, re��sound��ing, re��soundsv.intr.1. To be filled with sound; reverberate: The schoolyard resounded with the laughter of children.2. "yes." Mark Whitlockruns the CEC, a publicly funded charter school that opened in August of2000. Coweta County woke up in the late 1990s when Yamaha MotorManufacturing Corporation, a long-time employer, considered relocatingits expanded operations. "Their message to our community was thatwe are not sure locally if we have the skilled workforce that weneed," explains Whitlock. In response to messages like this from various local employers, astudy group comprised of county business, education and communityleaders joined forces to address their individual, yet interrelated in��ter��re��late?tr. & intr.v. in��ter��re��lat��ed, in��ter��re��lat��ing, in��ter��re��latesTo place in or come into mutual ,needs. The data they found was consistent with national data, notesWhitlock. "Workers have less supervision, so more independence isrequired; businesses have more automation, so more technical skills arerequired; and we have a new global customer base, so workers need torelate to people across many different barriers." A recent National Association of Manufacturers study found that 69percent of businesses cited "inadequate basic employabilityskills" such as attendance, timeliness and work ethic as the mostcommon reason for rejecting job applicants. Jeannie Davis, an area manager for ResourceMFG, a company thatspecializes in placing skilled and semi-skilled workers in themanufacturing industry, stresses the charter school's emphasis onwork ethic as a reason for the success of its students. Whitlock addsthat since CEC opened in 2000, there has been a dramatic decline in theannualized annualizedOf or relating to a variable that has been mathematically converted to a yearly rate. Inflation and interest rates are generally annualized since it is on this basis that these two variables are ordinarily stated and compared. dropout (1) On magnetic media, a bit that has lost its strength due to a surface defect or recording malfunction. If the bit is in an audio or video file, it might be detected by the error correction circuitry and either corrected or not, but if not, it is often not noticed by the human rate in Coweta County high schools. And, according tothe research, he says that students who participate in career technicalcourses do better on Georgia high school graduation tests.

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