Friday, October 7, 2011

Diploma thesis: The Long Calls of Wild Male Orangutans: A Phylogenetic Approach.

Diploma thesis: The Long Calls of Wild Male Orangutans: A Phylogenetic Approach. 2004, The Long Calls of Wild Male Orangutans: A PhylogeneticApproach. Diploma thesis, Zoological Institute, Tierarztliche HochschuleHannover, 74 pp. Although several genetic, molecular, and morphological studies werecarried out to clarify orangutan orangutan(ōrăng`tăn), an ape, Pongo pygmaeus, found in swampy coastal forests of Borneo and Sumatra. systematics systematics:see classification. , ongoing taxonomiccontroversies still exist. This project shows a new approach toorangutan phylogeny with focus on their long calls. Presented bynumerous works, analyses on species-specific loud calls of primates canhelp to understand phylogenetic influences and to reconstruct taxonomy.Orangutan males produce long calls to regulate inter-male spacing and toattract mates. Since samples needed to be pooled from dispersed orangutanpopulations and recordings from Northwest Borneo were not at mydisposal, I collected the missing data myself in Batang Ai NationalPark Batang Ai National Park is located in the Sri Aman Division of Sarawak, in eastern Malaysia on the island of Borneo. It is located in Lubok Antu, some 250 kilometers east of Kuching. , Sarawak. During this field work, 4.3 long calls were heard a day[+ or -] at least 290% more calls than anywhere else reported. This ratereflects a high population density due to the profusion of empili fruit(Lithocarpus sp.). Additionally, compared to other populations, BatangAi orangutans vocalize more often during the night. Presumably pre��sum��a��ble?adj.That can be presumed or taken for granted; reasonable as a supposition: presumable causes of the disaster. , thistime offers males of lesser rank the opportunity to compete acousticallywith more dominant individuals. Prior to measuring sonagrams, the call structure was examined,revealing that orangutans are able to emit synchronic syn��chron��ic?adj.1. Synchronous.2. Of or relating to the study of phenomena, such as linguistic features, or of events of a particular time, without reference to their historical context. notes, possibly bymeans of their huge laryngeal laryngeal/lar��yn��ge��al/ (lah-rin��je-al) pertaining to the larynx. la��ryn��gealor la��ryn��galadj.Of, relating to, affecting, or near the larynx. sacs. In this project, 64 variables (qualitative: n = 4; numerical: n =26; metrical: n = 34) of 75 long calls from ten populations of wildorangutans (Borneo: n = 5; North Sumatra: n = 5) were analyzed. Hereby,all four possibly geographically isolated Bornean groups wererepresented. Their outcomes do not support nor reject islandbifurcation BifurcationA term used in finance that refers to a splitting of something into two separate pieces.Notes:Generally, this term is used to refer to the splitting of a security into two separate pieces for the purpose of complex taxation advantages. . Monophyletic monophyletic/mono��phy��let��ic/ (mon?o-fi-let��ik) descended from a common ancestor or stem cell. mon��o��phy��let��icadj.1. Descended or derived from one original stock or source. groups were found for Northwest Borneo(72-73%), Northeast-East Borneo (73-85%), and Ketambe (74-78%). Although there are some inconsistencies that may be explained byfurther inquiries into long calls, long call analysis is an appropriateway to study orangutan phylogeny. As proposed by the Orangutan ActionPlan, this study indicates for conservation management to separatelydeal with orangutans from geographically isolated areas (Northwest,Northeast, East, and Southwest Borneo; North and South Sumatra). Still,additional phylogeographic works are needed for more effective support(author's abstract,

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