Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dr. Martin Baier and the Kayan Mentarang National Park. Corrigenda.

Dr. Martin Baier and the Kayan Mentarang National Park. Corrigenda. A generous, thoughtful, and detailed, although generally misled andmisleading, review in this Bulletin (vol. 40, 2009, pp. 297-308) by Dr.Martin Baier, who is a missionary and a German citizen, of two booksconcerning the Kayan Mentarang National Park unfortunately fails even toprovide the books' correct references. The Culture and Conservation in East Kalimantan Program (also knownas Kebudayaan dan Pelestarian Alam), focusing on the forms ofinteraction between people and forest in Kayan Mentarang, ran from 1991to 1997. It generated over forty field research reports, two videofilms, and a large number of publications in various journals--not tomention university degrees and/or later job opportunities for a numberof its local participants. A collection of 36 edited reports in Indonesian was released in1995 as a set of five volumes. In 1999, a selection of 25 reports,abridged and further edited, was published as a thick volume in theIndonesian language. Finally, a dozen of those reports were published inEnglish translation as another book in 2003--Dr. Baier apparently isunaware of the existence of this latter book. The Kalimantan Resource Center, established in Samarinda to carryon with the program's documentation and publishing activities,separately released some ten volumes (1997-98) on languages, oralliterature, history, and customary law, which were circulated locally. A number of research visits, surveys, and mapping programs, with amainly exploratory, ecological, earth-and-life-science, orcommunity-empowerment purpose, took place in Kayan Mentarang NationalPark during and after the Culture and Conservation Program, but were notpart of the program. References * Sellato, B. ed. 1995 Culture & Conservation in EastKalimantan. Jakarta: World Wide Fund for Nature Indonesia Programme, 5vols. (A collection of 36 research reports on Kayan MentarangConservation Area; over 1,750 pp.) The report entitled "The Ngorek: Lithic and megalithictraditions in the Bahau area and an interdisciplinary sketch of regionalhistory," mentioned by Dr. Baler, is part of the above Culture& Conservation in East Kalimantan set of reports (vol. 3, 93 pp.). * Eghenter, C., & B. Sellato eds. 1999 Kebudayaan danPelestarian Alam. Penelitian Interdisipliner di Pedalaman Kalimantan.Jakarta: World Wide Fund for Nature, 573 p. * Eghenter, C., B. Sellato, & G. Simon Devung eds. 2003 SocialScience Research and Conservation Management in the Interior of Borneo:Unravelling past and present interactions of people and forests. Bogor:Center for International Forestry Research, & Jakarta: WWFIndonesia, UNESCO, & The Ford Foundation, 297 p. On the Culture and Conservation in East Kalimantan Program, seealso: * Sellato, B. 1995 "The Culture & Conservation program inthe Kayan Mentarang Conservation Area, East Kalimantan, IndonesianBorneo," Borneo Research Bulletin, 26: 54-68. Bernard Sellato CNRS-IRSEA, Marseilles France

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