Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Drawing a Mission.

Drawing a Mission. DRAWING A MISSION. DVD/30 minutes/$39.95. Level: Elementary. Artwith Mrs. Smith. Drawing a Mission is not only a basic architecture drawing lesson,but also a brief introduction to the world of the California missions.The product contains mission history, drawing instruction gearedperfectly to the fourth-grade level, where the missions are part of theCalifornia state framework, and a short bonus section. The materialsneeded for this drawing project are basic--paper, pencil anderaser--which lends the work to most every classroom. The lesson is designed for students to follow along with, andincludes pause moments to allow students to catch up. Useful concepts,such as measuring with a pencil, perspective and crosshatching lines,are included, and add depth to the lesson. The mission history section expands the usefulness of the DVD, soit can be used by a classroom teacher in need of an art lesson, or by anart teacher in need of the background information. Throughout the film,vocabulary words are highlighted and defined. The bonus section providesideas for extending the project, including putting the mission in acontext, adding color, using symbols in art and sharing examples offinished student drawings. The contrast in the drawing used as the model is not as striking asit might be, and raises the question of using a basic drawing as themodel for learning to draw. One might consider using a three-dimensionalmodel of a mission, or a good photograph of the same view, as thereference point. www.artwithmrssmith.com circle # 400

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