Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Drawing with glue.

Drawing with glue. March showers bring April flowers in South Texas, which makes il anopportune op��por��tune?adj.1. Suited or right for a particular purpose: an opportune place to make camp.2. Occurring at a fitting or advantageous time: an opportune arrival. time to gather some blooms, bring them into the art room andstart drawing. Working in groups of two or three, eighth-grade studentsmake an arrangement of flowers on their table for the group to draw. Webegin with pencil and draw from observation using contour lines. From our discussion about using the whole sheet of 9" x12" paper for the composition, students learn the elements of agood composition, such as enlarging the subject and not placing oneflower directly in the center. Next, I present the "Rule ofThirds," dividing the composition into a tic-tac-toe grid. Thestudents learn that where the lines intersect are terrific places tocreate the point or points of emphasis. The students continue to draw their flower composition in pencil.When the composition is complete, the students will color the back oftheir drawings darkly with pencil. Next, the student will gently tapetheir drawing (face-up) to a 9" x 12" piece of white posterboard. Using pencil again, the student will retrace their drawing totransfer it to the poster board. This is what is called the"graphite method of transfer." Students then take a bottle of black glue (glue mixed with blackacrylic paint or India ink), open it slightly and begin tracing thelines with glue. To avoid smearing, right-handed students start on theleft side of the drawing, while left-handed start on the right. Theexcess glue needs to be wiped from the nozzle as the lines are drawn.After the drawing has been "glued," it needs to dry overnight. During the next class, students add color to their drawings usingpan watercolors. Light colors should be painted first, then the darkercolors on the flowers. The background color is added only after theflowers are complete. The kids were excited and proud when I matted all of theirpaintings and displayed them in the school hallway. Now everyone in theschool could enjoy our gathering of spring flowers spring flowersa token of Christ’s resurrection. [Christian Tradition: Jobes, 487]See : Easter . VOCABULARY * Balance * Composition * Contour line * Graphite method of transfer * Line * Negative space * Positive space * Rule of Thirds LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will ... * draw from observation with contour line in pencil and coloredglue. * distinguish the differences between the qualities of lines drawnin each media. * paint with watercolor and understand the transparent nature ofthe media. MATERIALS * 9" x 12" sulphite sulphiteor US sulfiteNounChem any salt or ester of sulphurous acid paper * 9" x 12" poster board * Pencils * All-purpose white glue * Pan watercolors * Paintbrushes paintbrushessee castilleja. * Black acrylic paint, India ink or food-coloring dye * Newspaper * Tissues or paper towels Sandi Pippin Pippin.For Frankish rulers thus named, use Pepin.A multimedia game and Internet machine from Apple that used the PowerPC architecture and a limited version of the Mac OS. teaches art at Truitt Middle School in Houston, Texas “Houston” redirects here. For other uses, see Houston (disambiguation).Houston (pronounced /'hjuːstən/) is the largest city in the state of Texas and the .

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