Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dropping the dropout rate nearly 1 in 7 of this district's students weren't graduating in 1990. Now the dropout rate is less than 1 percent. Here's why.

Dropping the dropout rate nearly 1 in 7 of this district's students weren't graduating in 1990. Now the dropout rate is less than 1 percent. Here's why. When college-age mentors from the New Directions program in Harlingen, Texas Harlingen is a city in Cameron County in the heart of the Rio Grande Valley of south Texas, United States. The city covers more than 34 mi2 (88 km2) and is the second largest city in Cameron County and the third largest in the Rio Grande Valley after Brownsville and McAllen. , came calling at Dora Oliveras' middle school, she was wary at first. "I was doing OK in school," she recalls, "and I thought maybe New Directions was some kind of special ed program in high school." But she took a chance and got involved. The program swept her up in a number of success-oriented activities about participation in school, setting academic goals and planning for education after high school "I'm from Tampico, Mexico," Oliveras says, "and my mom didn't really know about the importance of getting involved in school. It really helps build self-confidence and people skills." So much so for Oliveras, she wound up earning the trust of younger students as a New Directors mentor herself. After completing all four years of New Directions and graduating, Oliveras enrolled at the University of Texas-Pan American in Edinburg, and then became a tour coordinator on campus. As it tunas out, she would recognize some of the students touring from the district. "I encouraged them by saying, "See? You can do this!" says Oliveras, now 23. It's a mantra mantra(măn`trə, mŭn–), in Hinduism and Buddhism, mystic words used in ritual and meditation. A mantra is believed to be the sound form of reality, having the power to bring into being the reality it represents. that applies to the district, too. In 1990, the district's 15.9 percent dropout (1) On magnetic media, a bit that has lost its strength due to a surface defect or recording malfunction. If the bit is in an audio or video file, it might be detected by the error correction circuitry and either corrected or not, but if not, it is often not noticed by the human rate was a real problem (compared to a current national rate of 10.9 percent, according to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. the U.S. Department of Education). With a predominantly Hispanic student population, Harlingen was likely to go the way of national statistics if action wasn't taken. More than 42 percent of Hispanics nationwide fail to complete high school. But a group of citizens wasn't about to let that happen. Citizens' Solutions The group, which became the Harlingen Area Education Foundation, launched New Directions, a tutoring and mentoring program for at-risk senior high students that gives them a taste of success. It's the first event of the program that continues to make the biggest impact on students and parents: A weekend retreat at the University of Texas-Pan Am. In August, students climb aboard buses and depart for three jam-packed days. When not touring the campus, hearing presentations about college life and enjoying planned social activities, they're living the life of independent college students in the dorms. Back at the Harlingen CISD CISD Conroe Independent School District (Texas)CISD Critical Incident Stress Debrief(ing)CISD Carthage Independent School District (Texas)Parental Involvement Office, the scene is "always very emotional for students and parents," says DeAnna Reyes, a New Horizons counselor assigned to Harlingen High School Harlingen High School is a high school located on 1201 E. Marshall Avenue in Harlingen, Texas and is part of the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District. HHS is the first of 2 public high schools in Harlingen. . "Some students have never been away from home and some of these parents would never have imagined that their child would have the opportunity to visit a university." Casting a Wide Net Efforts to prevent students from falling through the proverbial pro��ver��bi��al?adj.1. Of the nature of a proverb.2. Expressed in a proverb.3. Widely referred to, as if the subject of a proverb; famous. cracks extends beyond New Directions. With help from the foundation, the district offers: * New Horizons Through this "club" for at-risk sixth to eighth graders in four middle schools, a social worker leads and facilitates regular group counseling sessions during the school day. Students learn how to accept responsibility, manage emotions, communicate effectively, make decisions and solve problems. * KEYS Academy Aimed at dropouts, this alternative school offers students accelerated classes so students can complete a year's worth of work in one semester se��mes��ter?n.One of two divisions of 15 to 18 weeks each of an academic year.[German, from Latin (cursus) s * Aggressive dropout recovery efforts A team of seven attendance officers make regular home visits to help convince dropouts to come back. * A nationally recognized parenting program It features parent centers on each campus where parents can volunteer and take parenting sessions throughout the year. Administrators also bring parents along to state-level conferences. Working the Data Harlingen's low dropout rate wouldn't be a reality if administrators didn't take number-crunching seriously. Early on, says Superintendent Linda Wade, "We evaluated where we were losing students, why we were losing students, and how we could prevent their loss or recover them after they had left." Administrators continue to identify ways to strengthen programs that are working well and to establish programs that flu previously unaddressed student needs. After all, needs change. She says, "We must evolve to meet student needs." While administrators are working the numbers, others in the district are working with students. Being a mentor, of course, takes commitment. "We try to find mentors who have positive attitudes, are excited about going to college and want to encourage others to do the same," says school counselor A school counselor is a counselor and educator who works in schools, and have historically been referred to as "guidance counselors" or "educational counselors," although "Professional School Counselor" is now the preferred term. DeAnna Reyes. The time commitment involves: * Attending bi-weekly meetings at the appointed campus * Turning in monthly comment sheets * Attending the New Directions opening retreat and end-of-year banquet, plus a minimum of three activities or events per semester. A WINNER In 2003, Harlingen CISD won a Civic Star Award from the food and facilities company Sodexho and the American Association of School Administrators The American Association of School Administrators (AASA), founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders across the United States. . CIRCLE OF SUPPORT The Harlingen Area Educational Foundation has always been in the hands of Rotarians, who aim to provide service, encourage high ethical standards and build peace and goodwill. Begun through Rotary, and now presided over by another member of the local club, the foundation created a partnership between local business leaders and the district--to the tune of about $70,000 per year. Today the foundation serves a variety of efforts, including: * Rising Leaders Through a series of seminars, panel discussions and activities with community leaders, student participants become familiar with community needs, services and resources while building interpersonal in��ter��per��son��al?adj.1. Of or relating to the interactions between individuals: interpersonal skills.2. and leadership skills. * Texas Scholar Program The emphasis is on how good, well-paying jobs go to those who have prepared themselves by obtaining a fundamentally sound academic education. The program for students and parents stresses "on level" and above academic courses, including languages other than English LOTE or Languages Other Than English is the name given to language subjects at Australian schools. LOTEs have often historically been related to the policy of multiculturalism, and tend to reflect the predominant non-English languages spoken in a school's local area, the . Course grade requirements are "passing" or better, with an emphasis on better. Students who complete the requirements are honored at an awards banquet at the end of the year. * Technology Academies. These training sessions provide teachers with computer-assisted instruction computer-assisted instructionUse of instructional material presented by a computer. Since the advent of microcomputers in the 1970s, computer use in schools has become widespread, from primary schools through the university level and in some preschool programs. , particularly in math, science, social studies and language arts language artspl.n.The subjects, including reading, spelling, and composition, aimed at developing reading and writing skills, usually taught in elementary and secondary school. . DISTRICT STATS Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District is a school district headquartered in Harlingen, Texas (USA).HCISD serves most of the city of Harlingen, the city of Palm Valley, the towns of Combes and Primera, and portions of unincorporated Cameron County, including Las No. of schools: 23 (15 elementary, 5 middle. 3 high schools) No. of teachers: 1,029 No. of students: 16,497 Ethnicity ethnicityVox populi Racial status–ie, African American, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic : 87% Hispanic, 12% white, 2% African-American or other Annual dropout rate (2000-2001): 0.9% Per-pupil expenditure for instruction: $3,536 Area population: 57,564 Superintendent: Linda Wade, since 2001 www.harlingen.isd.tenet TENET. Which he holds. There are two ways of stating the tenure in an action of waste. The averment is either in the tenet and the tenuit; it has a reference to the time of the waste done, and not to the time of bringing the action. 2. .edu

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