Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dropping in on Romare Bearden.

Dropping in on Romare Bearden. DROPPING IN Dropping in is a skateboarding trick with which a skateboarder can start skating a half-pipe by dropping into it from the coping instead of starting from the bottom and pumping gradually for more speed. ON ROMARE BEARDEN. VHS (Video Home System) A half-inch, analog videocassette recorder (VCR) format introduced by JVC in 1976 to compete with Sony's Betamax, introduced a year earlier. or DVD/20 min./ Teacher'sGuide/$29.95. Level: Kindergarten through Middle School. CrystalProductions. Dropping In On is a series of animated films featuring insightsinto the lives of famous individual artists. The sixth film in thisseries features collage artist Romare Bearden, who is showcased throughconversations prompted by the character Puffer the Puffin--who is nobirdbrain. The format relies on dialogue between Puffer and Romare as theytour the artist's studio and discuss his art. Using aquestion-and-answer style, they talk about the meaning of the titles ofthe collages, the themes and subjects in the artworks, and variouselements of art The elements of art are a set of techniques which describe ways of presenting artwork. They are combined with the principles of art in the production of art. [1] that Bearden uses in his work. A portion of the 20 minutes is devoted to demonstrating the actualtechnique used in creating collages, which would be adequate for anyclassroom teacher interested in using this art medium with a class. The story includes a biography about Romare that covers his love ofmusic and how the world of jazz finds its way into his work. Numerousexamples of Romare's art are shown and discussed in a veryengaging, child-friendly manner. Included with the visual component of the product is a resourceguide with biographical information, details about the paintings andsuggestions for follow-up activities.--P.H. www.crystalproductions.com I circle # 398

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