Thursday, September 29, 2011


Editorial. As this, our final issue as Editors goes to print, we would like totake this opportunity to thank you, the readers and contributors toEducation in Rural Australia Australia(ôstrāl`yə), smallest continent, between the Indian and Pacific oceans. With the island state of Tasmania to the south, the continent makes up the Commonwealth of Australia, a federal parliamentary state (2005 est. pop. for your interest and support over the manyyears we have been editing the journal. Without your commitment toissues of rural education we would not have been able to sustain thispublication. In addition, thanks to all who have served on the Editorial Boardduring our tenure as Editors. You have been a tremendous support to ourwork, and we have valued the skill and candour candouror US candorNounhonesty and straightforwardness of speech or behaviour [Latin candor]Noun 1. you brought to your workas reviewers and sounding boards. And to past editors while we have beenworking with the journal, Don Squires and Myra Dunn, our thanks fortheir collegiality col��le��gi��al��i��ty?n.1. Shared power and authority vested among colleagues.2. Roman Catholic Church The doctrine that bishops collectively share collegiate power. . To all who have reviewed for the journal over the years, we couldnot have published the high quality work that we have endeavoured towithout your insight, commitment to the professional learning of allauthors who submit, and professional and timely feedback to authors. Inparticular, we would like to acknowledge that work of Ros BrennanKemmis, Deb Clarke, Geoff Danaher, Patrick Danaher, Graham Daniel, SueDockett, Milena Dunn, Michael Gard, Kristina Gottschall, Annette Green,Louise Hard, Wendy Hastings, Brian Hemmings, Julie Hollitt, Sally Knipe,Hope Longwell-Grice, Noella MacKenzie, Cathryn McConaghy, BeverleyMoriarty, Zeffie Nicholas, Matti Novak, Bob Perry, Stephen Relf, AndreaReupert, Peter Rushbrook, Tracey Smith, Richard Taffe, Vickie Vance,Jane Wilkinson, Stephen Winn, Stuart Woodcock woodcock:see snipe. woodcockAny of five species (family Scolopacidae) of plump, sharp-billed migratory birds of damp, dense woodlands in North America, Europe, and Asia. , and Lucie Zundans. Thanksto you all for your efforts on behalf of Education in Rural Australia. We wish the very best to the incoming Editorial team, and we againthank you for your patience, support and readership over the past nineyears.

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