Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Editors' comments.

Editors' comments. As the presidential election approaches in the United States United States,officially United States of America, republic (2005 est. pop. 295,734,000), 3,539,227 sq mi (9,166,598 sq km), North America. The United States is the world's third largest country in population and the fourth largest country in area. ,Catholic identity and a Catholic perspective on public policy are issuesthat have received broad attention. Admittedly, Catholics and Catholicorganizations could always do a better job of being politically activeand engaged, so that all matters pertaining to the common good benefitfrom the wisdom and insight of the Catholic intellectual tradition. Catholic education has just such advocates in the Department ofEducation at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB USCCB United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Washington, DC)).Guided by the leadership of Glenn Anne McPhee, O.P., Secretary ofEducation, the staff of the department is engaged full-time across awide spectrum of policy issues and legislative initiatives that involveCatholic education. The demands on the USCCB are many, so we are trulygrateful that the Department of Education has invested its resourcesinto the focus section of this issue. The articles are thoughtful andchallenging, and each one gives us an in-depth look at a current issuein Catholic educational policy. Sr. Glenn Anne and her colleagues are tobe commended, not only for their scholarly work for this journal, butespecially for their tireless advocacy on behalf of Catholic schools. Many other fascinating and timely topics receive attention in thisissue. Among them: ecology, ability grouping, women in Catholic highereducation, and school leadership. We gratefully acknowledge the kindpermission of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB CCCB Canadian Conference of Catholic BishopsCCCB Central Christian College of the Bible (Missouri)CCCB Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)CCCB Child Care Choices of Boston ) toreprint their pastoral letter Pastoral letters are open letters addressed by a bishop to the clergy or laity of his diocese, or to both, containing either general admonition, instruction or consolation, or directions for behaviour in particular circumstances. on the Christian ecological imperative,"You Love All That Exists ... All Things Are Yours, God, Lover ofLife ..." as we thank them for their attention to this pressingmoral and educational challenge. Ronald J. Nuzzi, Thomas C. Hunt, Co-Editors

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