Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Egypt. ROSALIE DAVID David, in the BibleDavid,d. c.970 B.C., king of ancient Israel (c.1010–970 B.C.), successor of Saul. The Book of First Samuel introduces him as the youngest of eight sons who is anointed king by Samuel to replace Saul, who had been deemed a failure. . Religion and magic in ancient Egypt Editing of this page by unregistered or newly registered users is currently disabled due to vandalism. . xvii+488 pages,30 figures, 51 b&w photographs. 2002. London: Penguin; 0-14-026252-0paperback 9.99 [pounds sterling] & CAN$22.99 & US$15. PAUL DOHERTY. The mysterious death of Tutankhamun. xii+260 pages,32 colour photographs, 1 map. 2002. London: Constable; 1-84119-595-2hardback 18.99. CHRISTOPHER EYRE. The cannibal hymn: a cultural and literary study,xiv+272 pages, 11 figures, 2 plates. 2002. Liverpool: LiverpoolUniversity Press; 0-85323-696-8 hardback 39.95 [pounds sterling],0-85323-706-9 paperback 16.95 [pounds sterling]. Prof. DAVID's thought-provoking and well-organized bookprovides thorough, detailed and critical background for beginners in thestudy of ancient Egyptian world-view. For those with less time, MrDOHERTY recounts the background to the famous pharaoh's life andreviews the evidence for a premature death Premature Death occurs when a living thing dies of a cause other than old age. A premature death can be the result of injury, illness, violence, suicide, poor nutrition (often stemming from low income), starvation, dehydration, or other factors. . Was `butchery of cattle ever fully dissociated from ritual' inDynastic Egypt (EYRE, p. 200)? Dr EYRE assesses, for specialists, a massof textual, iconographic and contextual architectural and archaeologicalevidence. He contributes to the wave of research on feasting: `Thequantity and specific cuts eaten ... reflect ... status and ...power' (p. 203; and cf. the following title); but, for principlesmore complicated than reflection, see WANG in Wang In (Korean: 왕인; Japanese: Wani (王仁, `China', above, andour picture review of Trees of paradise; and note Bringing ritual tomind, `Also received' (below). See too Amara West II, `Also received'

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