Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Electronic civics. (New products: tools for schools).

Electronic civics. (New products: tools for schools). SIRS Publishing, www.sirs.com, Internet InternetPublicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world. It grew out of a U.S. Defense Department program called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), established in 1969 with connections between computers at the , $450 site license (until Dec. 31) SIRS eCurriculum is an online curriculum series that emphasizes reading, writing and critical thinking skills. Each title, an interactive eTextbook, can be used to supplement traditional textbooks through links to Web sites, articles and documents on SIRS databases. Students can assimilate as��sim��i��latev.1. To consume and incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion.2. To transform food into living tissue by the process of anabolism. their own research and notes into the eTextbook to create a personal archive--a diary of the user's educational experience. SIRS eCurriculum meets national and state curriculum standards, and it includes continuously updated content for students at an eighth grade reading level or higher, an educator's guide, a user's guide, e-mail capabilities and more. The first eTextbook in the series, What Citizens Need to Know About Government, includes basic concepts and a structure of the discipline and provides a basic understanding of current political issues. The title is available in both printer-friendly (PDF (Portable Document Format) The de facto standard for document publishing from Adobe. On the Web, there are countless brochures, data sheets, white papers and technical manuals in the PDF format. ) and Web-friendly (HTML HTMLin full HyperText Markup LanguageMarkup language derived from SGML that is used to prepare hypertext documents. Relatively easy for nonprogrammers to master, HTML is the language used for documents on the World Wide Web. ) formats. A 60-day preview To see ahead of time. Page layout and word processing programs often have a preview function that lets you see how all the pages will appear before they are printed. In the days of character-based interfaces, a preview was absolutely necessary to see how different fonts would look or how is available at http://www.sirs.com/ products/wpreview.htm. CIRCLE #521 FOR MORE INFORMATION [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]

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