Friday, September 30, 2011

A Woolly Mammoth Journey.

A Woolly Mammoth Journey. A Woolly Mammoth Journey Debbie S. Miller, author Jon Van Zyle, artist University of Alaska Press P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775 9781602230989, $9.95, "A Woolly Mammoth Journey" is a scenic nature book aboutmigratory travels of a woolly mammoth family herd in Alaska over 10,000years ago. Stunningly illustrated with acrylic paintings of beautifulscenes of the woolly mammoths on the Alaskan tundra, "A WoollyMammoth Journey" contains many nuggets of scientifically researchedfacts and theories about the habits, movements and behaviors of thegreat woolly mammoths. "A Woolly Mammoth Journey" presentsindividual mammoths with names for characters, and intrigues interest inongoing behaviors and relationships among the great creatures. At theend of the book, a page contains information about the woolly mammoths,including size, physical description, a map showing range and habitat,life span, recent discoveries, and a note about the extinction of thewoolly mammoth. "A Woolly Mammoth Journey" is recommended forstudents age 8 and up. Also recommended in this series by the sameauthor and artist is "A Caribou Journey," (9781602230965,$9.95).

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