Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Elements and Principles of Design.

Elements and Principles of Design. ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN. DVD/$45. Level: Middle School.Crystal Productions, P.O. Box 2159, Glenview Glenview,village (1990 pop. 37,093), Cook co., NE Ill., a growing suburb of Chicago; settled 1833, inc. 1899. There is varied light industry. Peacock Prairie, a center for important botanical research, is nearby. , IL 60025, (800) 255-8629,www.crystalproductions.com. Gerald Gerald - ["Gerald: An Exceptional Lazy Functional Programming Language", A.C. Reeves et al, in Functional Programming, Glasgow 1989, K. Davis et al eds, Springer 1990]. Brommer narrates and demonstrates separately each of theelements and principles of design in this new DVD DVD:see digital versatile disc. DVDin full digital video disc or digital versatile discType of optical disc. The DVD represents the second generation of compact-disc (CD) technology. release. Each of thesections--which may be viewed separately for classroom use--has a cleardefinition of that element or principle. Brommer then paints, cuts ormodels to create an example that clarifies the concepts. Examples offine-artists' works and examples from nature are also shown. Thecolor and close-ups are excellent, and the interesting andeasy-to-comprehend narration parallels the sets of Elements andPrinciples of Design posters also available from Crystal Productions.Teachers could easily use this DVD to structure an entire series oflessons, providing much of the basics needed in teaching art. Coveredare value, color, form, shape, line, space, texture, contrast, rhythm,unity, emphasis, pattern, movement and balance.--B.H. For informationabout this program, circle No. 399 on the Reader Service Card.

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