Monday, September 26, 2011

Employment for the Future.

Employment for the Future. Gnowangerup District High School Yougenup Road, Gnowangerup, WA6335 Gnowangerup District High School is a Department of Education ofWestern Australia Western Australia,state (1991 pop. 1,409,965), 975,920 sq mi (2,527,633 sq km), Australia, comprising the entire western part of the continent. It is bounded on the N, W, and S by the Indian Ocean. Perth is the capital. school serving the Great Southern community ofGnowangerup situated 375 kilometres south-east of Perth and 150kilometres north of Albany. Gnowangerup has a current population of 1000with another 500 living on farming properties and smaller communitieswithin the Shire Shireor Shiré(both: shē`rā), river, c.250 mi (400 km) long, flowing from the southern end of Lake Nyasa, Malawi, SE Africa, to the Zambezi River in central Mozambique. It is navigable to Nsanje. . Farming is the main industry with focus on fine woolproduction and cereal cropping. Our school has a total enrolment of 184students from Kindergarten kindergarten[Ger.,=garden of children], system of preschool education. Friedrich Froebel designed (1837) the kindergarten to provide an educational situation less formal than that of the elementary school but one in which children's creative play instincts would be to Year 12. There is a mix of children fromboth farm and town locations. Challenges facing our community includefluctuations in agriculture, climate change and the drift away Verb 1. drift away - lose personal contact over time; "The two women, who had been roommates in college, drifted apart after they got married"drift apart from thecommunity to find full-time employment. Being a relatively small town,the career opportunities/ occupations available are quite limited. Gnowangerup District High School runs an extremely successfulCareer Education Programme entitled, Employment for the Future. Thisincludes VET and TAFEWA accredited accreditedrecognition by an appropriate authority that the performance of a particular institution has satisfied a prestated set of criteria.accredited herdscattle herds which have achieved a low level of reactors to, e.g. courses and a unique StructuredWorkplace Learning component (Years 10-12) allowing our students tocombine work experience and work training with Vocational-based schoolcurriculum. The school also runs a comprehensive Changemakers Programmefor Years 9-12 that is linked to Career Education and developsstudents' skills and competencies in leadership, self-esteem, timemanagement, community involvement, citizenship, cooperation and conflictresolution skills, oral and written communication and budgeting skills.It also focuses on essential World of Work skills and competencies. Thisprogramme also sees our students create Individual Pathway Plans andCareer Action Plans that focuses on identifying specific studentinterests, skills and competencies and matching them to the most suitedcareers/occupations. Our students then, when in Years 11 and 12, canhave developed for them individual learning programmes that will leadtowards further training and study, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeshipsor employment once they complete their schooling at GDHS GDHS George Dewey High School (Subic Bay, Philippines)GDHS Ground Data Handling System . Their work andcurriculum components are comprised of WACE Wace(wās), c.1100–1174, Norman-French poet of Jersey. King Henry II made him canon of Bayeux. His Roman de Brut (1155) is a long, rhymed chronicle of British history based on the Historia of Geoffrey of Monmouth. subjects such asMathematics, English and Changemakers, Career and Enterprise studies,school-based TAFEWA Certificate 1 and 2 courses auspiced by us and inpartnership withGreat Southern College of TAFEWA and, introduced in 2008, selectedCertificate 3 and 4 TAFEWA Courses delivered externally through twoPerth-based TAFEWA Colleges. This allows our students a greater range ofcourse selections that are not available through Great Southern Collegeof TAFEWA. Students also undertake Structured Workplace Learningplacements linked to their study/career pathway focus in Gnowangerupand, from 2008, in Katanning (60 kilometres north-west) and Albany.Using our two closest regional centres allows our students to work inspecific placements and improves their chances of picking uppre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships. Having such a small number of students allows us to tailor-maketheir learning programmes. We also work closely with our regional SeniorHigh Schools as we focus on our non-TEE and students at risk. Studentswishing a tertiary education Tertiary education, also referred to as third-stage, third level education, or higher education, is the educational level following the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school, or gymnasium. enrol at a Senior High School allowing usto fully focus on a core group of students with individual and specificneeds. Our local community is fully supportive of our Employment for theFuture and Changemakers Programmes and provide vital support throughmentoring, work experience placements and assisting with job interviewtraining and job-related skills and competencies. We are also looking atexpanding this Programme to allow in the future, disadvantaged youngpeople within the community and region aged between 18 and 24 theopportunity of experiencing a wider range of different life skills, workcompetencies and work ethics. This project aims to provide invaluableand essential training opportunities for these students to enhance theirfuture career prospects both locally and within the region and acrossthe State. The 'Employment for the Future Project. commenced in Semester se��mes��ter?n.One of two divisions of 15 to 18 weeks each of an academic year.[German, from Latin (cursus) s 2, 2007 and will continue as an ongoing project at Gnowangerup DistrictHigh School for all students (including students identified at risk,academically and behaviourally, and with particular emphasis on ourYears 9-13 Aboriginal students). This programme will continueindefinitely and is an expansion of the initial learning programmedesigned and implemented by the school in 2004. Our local community and valued stakeholders StakeholdersAll parties that have an interest, financial or otherwise, in a firm-stockholders, creditors, bondholders, employees, customers, management, the community, and the government. fully support ourEmployment for the Future Programme and provide vital support throughmentoring, work experience placements and assisting with job interviewtraining and job-related skills and competencies. We are also looking atexpanding our Career Education Programme to allow our Years 10-13students the opportunity of experiencing a wider range of differentcareer paths and occupations by providing them with work placementswithin and away from the District with particular emphasis on the GreatSouthern Region, Eastern Goldfields The Eastern Goldfields is figurative area used in speech to describe a region of Western Australia. The name is derived in two parts from, Eastern in relation to its location from Perth and Goldfields as the name suggests comes from the mining of Gold in the region. Region, Pilbara Region, MurchisonRegion (and Perth Business District). Work placements and trainingopportunities in the agricultural, mining, exploration, processing,construction, maintenance, automotive, electrical, management andhospitality industries and in these regions and surrounds will allow ourstudents to experience a wider range of occupations/careers unavailablein Gnowangerup. It also helps promote the importance of keeping ouryoung people in our Region and within Western Australia and training forjobs/careers that are relevant to our local industries and developments.Training provided can be transferred to the employment requirementswithin our community. The school has encouraged a range of corporatestakeholders who are committed to being involved with our Employment forthe Future Programme. This includes companies such as Stanley SidchromeAustralia who have just selected our school (with four large TAFE TAFE(in Australia) Technical and Further Education Colleges across Australia) to outfit our Automotive Workshop with allnecessary tools for our Automotive course (up to Certificate 4 andPre-Apprenticeship) as well as providing ongoing technical expertise andsupport. General Motors Holden have donated a Holden Commodore One of the first personal computer companies. In 1977, Commodore Business Machines, West Chester, PA, introduced the PET computer and launched the personal computer industry along with Apple and Radio Shack. In 1982, it introduced the Commodore 64 (64K RAM) and later the Commodore 128. SV6utility to the school to be used to train our Automotive studentsallowing them to work on an up to date vehicle with technical supportand assistance from Edwards Motors Katanning, our local Holden Dealer.Toyota WA is also supporting our Programme through technical support andassistance through their dealer network, opportunities to visit and sendselected students to their state of the art Training Centre in Perth andproviding training for our Automotive teacher/training provider. Theschool is also in negotiations with some mining and explorationcompanies based in the Pilbara Region to allow our Construction,Automotive and Hospitality students undertake structured workplacelearning and possible traineeships on site at their current and futuremining sites/operations. The Project has also seen our Construction Students design, costand build a 50 metre long wooden walkway walkwayRehabilitation medicine An instrument used to measure the timing of foot contact and or position of the foot on the ground between the front entrance tothe school and the Kindergarten-Pre-Primary Area, enclose en��close? also in��closetr.v. en��closed, en��clos��ing, en��clos��es1. To surround on all sides; close in.2. To fence in so as to prevent common use: enclosed the pasture. and paint ourschool undercover area and our Hospitality students undertake a numberof school and community-based luncheons and presentations including ahighly successful Community Morning Tea for Breast Cancer Awareness. Another component of our Employment for the Future Programme allowsour Years 10-12 students to attend an annual eight day WorkExperience/Careers Camp in Perth to allow them to select from a range ofcareers not offered in Gnowangerup, as well as investigate a number oftraining and educational institutes. The students will also developessential work and life competencies by undertaking all shopping,budgeting, meal preparation and household duties while they are awayfrom home to improve their overall personal skills and self-esteem. Thisallows us to cater for both the students we keep in Years 11 and 12 aswell as the students in Year 10 who leave our school to enrol in aregional or Perth-based Senior High School or College. The school, aspart of this programme is also developing a student mentoring programme.Each student undertaking Years 11 and 12 will be assigned a personalmentor either locally based or from local or regional businesses toassist them in preparing for life in the workforce. This also allows thestudents to have a confidant not attached to home or family to assistthem with any issues or queries regarding their learning and/ortraining. In summary, our Employment for the Future Programme will assist ourstudents long-term to gain specific skills and work competencies thatcan be utilised in a range of different career pathways and options. Itwill further enhance future employment prospects for our students andprovide a greater variety of different career paths that are not as yetopen to them within the Gnowangerup community. The Project will alsoallow them to work with personnel with key expertise and skills notavailable within our staff and general community and also provide addedimpetus for our Secondary teaching faculty by allowing them greaterinvolvement and participation in the future training and learningopportunities of our students. It provides them with a method ofachieving learning outcomes from across all learning areas and allowsstudents at academic and social risk the best possible chance of successin the workplace. We look forward to the continuing development of, andfurther successes of this Programme.

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