Sunday, September 25, 2011

Enterprise agreements, anyone?

Enterprise agreements, anyone? Singer, Paula M Developing a compensation plan for your library.Chicago: American Library Association, 2002. 144p US$38.00 soft ISBN ISBNabbr.International Standard Book NumberISBNInternational Standard Book NumberISBNn abbr (= International Standard Book Number) → ISBN m0838908160 A 'compensation plan' is an Americanism for salaries andsalary structures. Because of the nature of the Australian industrialrelations industrial relationspl.n.Relations between the management of an industrial enterprise and its employees.industrial relationsNoun, plthe relations between management and workers system and enterprise bargaining, much of this book will be ofacademic interest only to many libraries. However, librarians in theprivate sector, and those able to offer Australian workplace agreements,will find it useful and interesting. It will also be of value to thoseseeking to justify existing or additional positions, and to upgradepositions. Reading this book highlights how different the American andAustralian recruitment and personnel systems are. While we in the maintake for granted salary structure management, it being incorporated inour centralised Adj. 1. centralised - drawn toward a center or brought under the control of a central authority; "centralized control of emergency relief efforts"; "centralized government"centralized or enterprise industrial relations regimes, they aretime-consuming and exacting tasks for our American counterparts. We are informed that 'designing a compensation system thatmotivates current employees and attracts new ones is the goal of librarymanagers everywhere'. This, the author suggests, is best achievedthrough rigorous planning, utilising checklists and work plans forms,devising and using questionnaires and surveys and developing appropriatepersonnel policies. The process is methodical me��thod��i��cal? also me��thod��icadj.1. Arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order.2. Characterized by ordered and systematic habits or behavior. See Synonyms at orderly. and analytical. Jobfunctions are analysed, job descriptions are then written, and jobperformance is analysed through employing a variety of techniques,including point factor, classification, whole job ranking and slottingmethods. Once all this is done then comes the business of market pricing--inother words, determining what the going rate is for a particular job is,so that pay rates can be set. This then leads into salary structuredesign, where pay ranges are developed, and the structure drafted,costed and implemented. A whole chapter is devoted to alternative payplans, including broad-banding, skill-based pay, pay for knowledge, andtraditional merit versus variable pay systems. A project work plan andtime line is included, indicating that the whole process takes aboutfive months. There is a glossary that explains many of the terms notcommonly encountered in this country, as well as an index. References,further or recommended readings and a bibliography are all conspicuousby their absence. This is an interesting, concise and well-written handbook by anexpert in her field. It is recommended if you are in a position tobenefit from it. Jeremy Hodes, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) (1990–2005) was the Australian Government body through which Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders were formally involved in the processes of government affecting their lives.

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