Saturday, September 24, 2011

Essential skills for promoting a lifelong love of music and music making: part 3 of 4: introduction.

Essential skills for promoting a lifelong love of music and music making: part 3 of 4: introduction. Why did you choose to become a music teacher? Research has shown the benefits music study provides for all types of learning. That's one important reason to teach, for sure. But we believe most of us chose music teaching to share our love of our art with a new generation and provide them with the skills and knowledge to participate in music-making all their lives. These goals are the same whether the student pursues a career in music or plays for personal satisfaction. Audiation Audiation is the process of mentally hearing and comprehending music, even when no physical sound is present. It is a cognitive process by which the brain gives meaning to musical sounds. In essence, audiation of music is analogous to thinking in a language. , understanding musical relationships, physical awareness and health--these are the topics so expertly addressed in our first two articles by Dorothy Payne and Barbara Lister-Sink. In this, our third article, William Westney deals with the psychological elements of successful learning and performance. He gives us the tools to help our students build confidence, self-empowerment and the skills of self-expression. A long-time advocate of liberating lib��er��ate?tr.v. lib��er��at��ed, lib��er��at��ing, lib��er��ates1. To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.2. Chemistry To release (a gas, for example) from combination. students to allow their musicality to emerge, Westney offers AMT See vPro. some provocative and exciting ideas for enlivening en��liv��en?tr.v. en��liv��ened, en��liv��en��ing, en��liv��ensTo make lively or spirited; animate.en��liven��er n. lessons. You will find a wealth of ideas to help rejuvenate re��ju��ve��nate?tr.v. re��ju��ve��nat��ed, re��ju��ve��nat��ing, re��ju��ve��nates1. To restore to youthful vigor or appearance; make young again.2. your teaching and bring the music to life--and have fun doing so!

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