Saturday, September 24, 2011

EtherneTV media distribution system 4.0: VBrick.

EtherneTV media distribution system 4.0: VBrick., System, $12,500 This turnkey See turnkey system. platform to record, stream, and manage digital videoacross Internet Protocol See Internet and TCP/IP. (networking) Internet Protocol - (IP) The network layer for the TCP/IP protocol suite widely used on Ethernet networks, defined in STD 5, RFC 791. IP is a connectionless, best-effort packet switching protocol. (IP) networks has received a major upgrade.This upgrade includes access logging, which allows administrators tomanage compliance reporting and copyright enforcement automatically, bytracking user access and recording of live and stored video assets.Another new administrative feature enables IT staff to manage theirenterprise-wide video networks centrally without increasing staff size.Expanded wizard/help functions simplify navigation of content andspecial features, and VBPresenter enables users to incorporatePowerPoint A presentation graphics program from Microsoft for Macintosh and Windows. It was the first desktop presentation program for the Mac and provides the ability to create output for overheads, handouts, speaker notes and film recorders. and other rich media into video presentations. The system nowalso stores rich media on its portal server (1) A network server that deploys portal services to a public Web site or internal intranet. See portal.(2) An application that is used to develop, deliver and maintain a Web portal. . The software upgrade isfree for customers that have the VBsafe services contract.

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