Saturday, September 24, 2011

European pre

European pre- and protohistory. CHRISTINE DESDEMAINES-HUGON. Stepping stones: a journey through theIce Age caves of the Dordogne. xxiv+222 pages, 39 illustrations, 8colour plates. 2010. New Haven (CT) & London: Yale University Press;978-0-300-15266-1 hardback 22.50 [pounds sterling]. LAURE FONTANA, FRANCOIS-XAVIER CHAUVIERE & ANNE BRIDAULT (ed.).In search of total animal exploitation--case studies from the UpperPalaeolithic and Mesolithic (Proceedings of the 15th UISPP CongressLisbon 4-9 September 2006, Session C61) (British Archaeological ReportsInternational Series 2040). ii+ 154 pages, 117 illustrations. 2009.Oxford: John & Erica Hedges; 9781-4073-0467-0 paperback 41 [poundssterling]. SERGE CASSEN (ed.) Autour de la Table: explorations archeologiqueset discours savants sur des architectures neolithiques a Locmariaquer,Morbihan (Table des Marchands et Grand Menhir menhir(mĕn`hēr')[Breton,=long stone], in archaeology, name given to the single standing stones of Western Europe, and by extension to those of other lands. Their size varies and their shape is rough and squared, tapering toward the top. ). 918 pages, numerouscolour & b&w illustrations & tables. 2009. Nantes:Laboratoire de recherches archeologiques, CNRS & Universite deNantes; 978-2-96939-228-1 paperback 60 [euro]. GUNBORG O. JANZON with MATTIAS AHLBECK, TORBJORN AHLSTROM, GORANSKOG, HELENE WILHELMSON, translated by ALAN CROZIER. The dolmen dolmen(dŏl`mĕn, dōl–)[Breton,=stone table], burial chamber consisting of two or more upright stone slabs supporting a capstone or table, typical of the Neolithic period in Europe. See megalithic monuments. inAlvastra (Kungl. Vitterhets Historic och Antikvitets AkademienHandlingar Antikvariska Serien 47). 156 pages, 81 colour & b&willustrations. 2009. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historic ochAntikvitets Akademien; 978-91-7402-387-9 hardback SEK SEKIn currencies, this is the abbreviation for the Swedish Krona.Notes:The currency market, also known as the Foreign Exchange market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average volume of over US $1 trillion. 189. ASA Asa(ā`sə), in the Bible, king of Judah, son and successor of Abijah. He was a good king, zealous in his extirpation of idols. When Baasha of Israel took Ramah (a few miles N of Jerusalem), Asa bought the help of Benhadad of Damascus and C. FREDELL, KRISTIAN KRISTIANSEN & FELIPE CRtADO BOADO.Representations and communications: creating an archaeological matrix oflate prehistoric rock art. xx+158 pages, 53 illustrations. 2010. Oxford& Oakville (CT): Oxbow; 978-1-84217-397-8 paperback 25 [poundssterling]. MARTIN BARTELHEIM & HARALD STAUBLE (ed.) Die wirtschaftlichenGrundlagen der Bronzezeit Europas / The economic foundations of theEuropean Bronze Age (Forschungen zur Archaometrie undAltertumswissenschaft 4). ii+362 pages, 103 illustrations. 2009. Rahden:Marie Leidorfi, 978-3-89646-874-1 hardback 69.80 [euro]. FRIEDRICH LAUX. Die Schwerter in Niedersachsen (PrahistorischeBronzefunde Abteilung IV, 17. Band). xiv+252 pages, 82 figures(+14-replacements in back). 2009. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner;978-3-515-09389-7 hardback 98 [euro]. RAFFAELE C. DE MARINIS, SERENA SERENA Steam Explosion Resolution for Nuclear Applications MASSA & MADDALENA PIZZO (ed.).Alle origini di Varese e del suo territorio: le collezioni del sistemaarcheologico provinciale, xxviii+740 pages, numerous colour &b&w illustrations. 2009. Roma: L'Erma di Bretschneider;978-88-8265-516-7 hardback 550 [euro]. MIRANDA ALDHOUSE-GREEN. Caesar's Druids: story of an ancientpriesthood, xviii+338 pages, 80 illustrations. 2010. New Haven (CT)& London: Yale University Press; 978-0-300-12442-2 hardback 25[pounds sterling].

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