Friday, September 23, 2011

Ever thought of becoming a referee for ALJ?

Ever thought of becoming a referee for ALJ? It's not an onerous on��er��ous?adj.1. Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome. See Synonyms at burdensome.2. Law Entailing obligations that exceed advantages. task, and intermittent, rather thancontinuous. What it involves is: read an article--usually of around 5000words--and tell us: Is it worth publishing: what does it add to the literature? Would it be of interest to a cross-section of your colleagues, orto students? Or what it would need in order to make it publishable. Don't be too hard on the author--it's not a doctoralthesis--and ALJ ALJ Administrative Law JudgeALJ Association for Legal Justice (Northern Ireland)is not primarily a research journal, although we arealways happy, and usually do, report on the research findings of ourcolleagues. Our referees tell us that it is an interesting and occasionallychallenging job, and that it stimulates reflection on their particularareas of expertise. Articles submitted at the refereed level are usuallyabout 5000 words long, and are often contributed by those making theirfirst foray into Verb 1. foray into - enter someone else's territory and take spoils; "The pirates raided the coastal villages regularly"raidencroach upon, intrude on, obtrude upon, invade - to intrude upon, infringe, encroach on, violate; "This new colleague invades my writing for and about their profession. ALJ uses the'double-blind system' so that neither author nor referee areaware of the other's identity. If referees suggest major changes toan article, their comments are made available [anonymously] to theauthor who can then decide how to react to them. The editor may act asan adviser at this or any other stage of the process. The possibilityalso exists with the consent of both parties to open a dialogue betweenreferee and author. If you would like to join our cadre (company) CADRE - The US software engineering vendor which merged with Bachman Information Systems to form Cayenne Software in July 1996. of referees,please drop me a line at PO Box 74 Middleton, Tasmania 7163, setting out your areas of interest or expertise.Whether or not your services are called upon depends entirely, ofcourse, on the articles submitted, but if you are called upon, you willfind it an interesting exercise. And you won't need a whistle.

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