Friday, September 23, 2011

Evolution pressures come from students, parents.

Evolution pressures come from students, parents. With the teaching of evolution and its alternatives being battledout in communities across the country and under the watchful watch��ful?adj.1. Closely observant or alert; vigilant: kept a watchful eye on the clock.See Synonyms at aware, careful.2. Archaic Not sleeping; awake. eye of themedia, it's it's?1. Contraction of it is.2. Contraction of it has. See Usage Note at'sit is or it hasit'sbe ~have not surprising that a significant number of teachersare stressing about their role in the debate.According to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. an informal survey in NSTA NSTA National Science Teachers AssociationNSTA National School Transportation AssociationNSTA National Spasmodic Torticollis AssociationNSTA National Substitute Teachers Alliance (Fresno, California)Express, the NationalScience Teachers Association's weekly e-mail newsletter, nearlyone-third of teachers said they feel pressured to include creationism creationismor creation science,belief in the biblical account of the creation of the world as described in Genesis, a characteristic especially of fundamentalist Protestantism (see fundamentalism). ,intelligent design and other alternatives to evolution in their scienceclassroom. When it comes to de-emphasizing or omitting evolution orevolution-related topics from their curriculum, approximately the samepercentage of teachers are feeling a push to do so. Respondents In the context of marketing research, a representative sample drawn from a larger population of people from whom information is collected and used to develop or confirm marketing strategy. , abouthalf of whom are high school teachers, named students and parents as thebiggest sources of pressure.The survey, which got more than 1,050 responses from mainly K-12teachers, also checked on how well educators are discussing theevolution issue with parents and other community members. When asked ifthey feel well prepared to explain the reasons why it's importantfor students to understand evolution, 85 percent said they did. But whenasked how successful they have been at helping parents and othersunderstand those reasons, 62 percent said they were successful.NSTA President Anne Anne, British princessAnne(Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise), 1950–, British princess, only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh. She was educated at Benenden School. Tweed says the organization is encouragingscience teachers to consider playing a more vocal and visible role inevolution dialogue. To help, NSTA is supporting teachers through effortssuch as participation in the National Congress on Science Education.TEACHERS WERE ASKED:Who is pressuring you most to include creationism, intelligent designor other alternatives to evolution in your classroom? *Students 22%Parents 20%Administrators 5%* 31% of teachers indicated feeling pressure, and they could name morethan one sourceWho is pressuring you most to de-emphasize or omit evolution from thecurriculum? **Students 18%Parents 18%Administrators 3%** 30% of teachers indicated feeling pressure, and they could name morethan one source

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