Friday, September 23, 2011

Ex-College Employee: Tulsa Professors Took Payoffs for Grades.

Ex-College Employee: Tulsa Professors Took Payoffs for Grades. TULSA, Okla. -- A registrar's office employee charged in agrade tampering tamperingThe adulteration of a thing. See Drug tampering. scandal said professors at Tulsa Community College Tulsa Community College is a community college in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is the largest two-year college in Oklahoma with an operating budget of over $80 million. It was founded in 1970 under the original name of Tulsa Junior College, and has four campuses: Metro, Northeast, Southeast, and tookpayoffs to change the grades so the school could reap out-of-statetuition revenue. In an interview with the Tulsa World The Tulsa World is the daily newspaper for the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and is the second-most widely circulated newspaper in the state, after The Oklahoman. The World is the primary newspaper for the northeastern and eastern portions of Oklahoma. , Dlorah Jean Hogle admittedthat she changed student grades, but she said she did so because she wasin love with an international student 20 years her junior. Hogle ischarged with two felonies for altering electronic records. She couldface up to 10 years in prison if convicted. She told the newspaper that the alleged tampering of student gradesand the alleged taking of payoffs by TCC TCC The Car Connection (web site)TCC Tidewater Community CollegeTCC Tallahassee Community CollegeTCC Temporary Continuation of CoverageTCC Tucson Convention Center (Tucson, AZ, USA)professors was "going onlong before I got there." Hogle, 45, named three professors who allegedly took money forgrades or who gave out passing grades to students who never went toclasses. One professor guaranteed a passing grade for $300 per student,Hogle alleged. She said she never took money for a grade change, but she admittedshe was struggling to make ends meet on her $8.50 hourly wage. Hoglesaid she was once offered $500 from a TCC employee in a differentdepartment to change a student's grades but declined the money. Hogle, who resigned from her position as a TCC Northeast registraremployee in May, said students from the Middle East "constantly hiton" office workers in hopes of getting grades changed. "I never gave into them because I knew they just wanted totake me to lunch and ask for a (grade) favor," the mother of threesaid. She finally gave in to Anwal Al-Khurafi, a 25-year-old student whoreturned to his native Kuwait after school officials began investigatinggrade-tampering accusations at TCC's Northeast Campus. "I joked with him that I was old enough to be his mother, buthe was different," she said. "He said he was interested in me.The grades didn't matter." Al-Khurafi and another student of Middle Eastern descent are namedin Tulsa County District Court documents as having their grades altered,although neither has been charged. An investigation into Hogle's allegations is part of a broaderprobe of the Registrar's Office and the TCC Counseling and TestingOffice at the Northeast Campus, said Lauren Brookey, TCC's vicepresident of external affairs. The probe began in May. So far, TCC has investigated and suspended 57 internationalstudents for submitting false English proficiency pro��fi��cien��cy?n. pl. pro��fi��cien��ciesThe state or quality of being proficient; competence.Noun 1. proficiency - the quality of having great facility and competence scores upon enrollmentand for grade tampering. A handful of students have appealed theirsuspensions and were reinstated. Hogle's attorney, John Mack John Mack can refer to: John Mack (musician), an American oboist John Mack, the English missionary preacher who worked with Joshua Marshman and William Carey the 18th century Serampore missionaries in India Butler alleges that TCC broke anagreement to not seek prosecution against his client. He said Hogle wasmanipulated by her lover. "Dlorah and I have had a pointed argument about this, but Ibelieve this man seduced her for his own selfish reasons," saidButler, who attended the interview with Hogle. She changed Al-Khurafi's grade from failing to an"A" because he was struggling with personal problems, Hoglesaid. She denied altering more than two students' grades -- Al-Khurafi's and one of his friend's. "She has been forthright forth��right?adj.1. Direct and without evasion; straightforward: a forthright appraisal; forthright criticism.2. Archaic Proceeding straight ahead.adv.1. ," Butler said. "She gavepolice leads to follow up on, and this is how they repay her." Hogle said her job as a registrar employee was to enter all studentgrades into the electronic database at TCC Northeast. Hogle saidsecurity measures Noun 1. security measures - measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.; "military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising"security meant to stop grade tampering at TCC's NortheastCampus were "full of holes." Before corrective measures were installed, the system allowed asmany as 12 registrar employees to have access to electronic grades,Hogle said. Tulsa County District Attorney Tim Harris Tim Harris may refer to any of the following people: Tim Harris (game designer), American game designer of The Continuum Tim Harris (animator), British-born interactive media designer Tim Harris (footballer), British football manager said he believesauthorities have not yet discovered everyone involved in the cheatingscam (SCSI Configured AutoMatically) A subset of Plug and Play that allows SCSI IDs to be changed by software rather than by flipping switches or changing jumpers. Both the SCSI host adapter and peripheral must support SCAM. See SCSI. . Numerous TCC employees have been questioned by TCC police, who areheading the investigation. The grade-tampering scheme also has resulted in a major loss intuition money for the college. Out-of-state students pay $128.85 percredit hour and fees. Had each international student taken 12hoursemesters, the loss would amount to $90,000 per semester se��mes��ter?n.One of two divisions of 15 to 18 weeks each of an academic year.[German, from Latin (cursus) s in tuition andfees at the Northeast Campus.

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