Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facing a flat world.

Facing a flat world. WHEN TOM FRIEDMAN PUBLISHED HIS BOOK THE WORLD IS FLAT IN 2005, theconversation began to change. First business and industry began to talkabout the impact of the message and what it would mean to their futureworkforce needs. Then the government started to look at how this newworld would impact the U.S. economy. And finally, educators came torealize they needed to be a part of this new dialogue. More importantly,career and technical education (CTE) was thrust (rightly so) into theheart of the discussion. It is fitting that this issue of Techniques is focused oninternational CTE. The content and delivery of our education, at boththe secondary and postsecondary levels, is changing in an effort toregain its relevancy in this flat world. CTE is changing as theworkplace changes. Yes, many of the areas taught in CTE cannot beoutsourced (building a home, installing plumbing or A/C systems orcaring for children). However, today it is possible for an auto mechanicin Germany or China to correct major systems problems in a car withouttouching the car. As I was recently informed, minus the steering wheel,brake and gas pedals, I am simply riding in a computer. And computerproblems can be diagnosed and corrected from anywhere! The American CTE system is one of the best in the world. We haveteachers with some of the highest knowledge and skills around the globe.Our CTE courses cover any subject area in which there is a high demandfor skilled workers. ACTE has hosted scores of delegations from othercountries eager to learn how the CTE system in the United States isdesigned. Many ACTE institutions and members have served as consultantsto other countries as they seek to implement an education system thatwill provide a workforce with the knowledge and skills needed in thisflat world. ACTE has several initiatives under way in response to thisnew world: 1. We are serving as the coordinator of a new InternationalConsortia comprised of companies, organizations and individuals whoprovide consulting services to other countries. 2. The new Institute for 21st Century Learning, developed inpartnership with the International Center for Leadership in Education,is focused on providing professional development for education leadersthat addresses the changing education landscape. 3. ACTE continues to work with the leaders of the Partnership for21st Century Skills, serving as a link between CTE and the dialogue on21st century skills in education. The new world might have engineered a crisis, but as the Stanfordeconomist Paul Romer so rightly says, "A crisis is a terrible thingto waste." The United States can only meet the challenges of thisflat world through education. And it cannot do it without CTE. Janet Bray ACTE Executive Director

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