Monday, September 26, 2011

Encourage music for everyone. (Association News).

Encourage music for everyone. (Association News). As the second half of the school year gets underway, it is time tothink about rewarding all students for their music-making efforts. If you are planning a studio festival, especially for the firsttime, consider participating in the MTNA MTNA Music Teachers National AssociationMTNA Middle Tennessee Nursery Association (McMinnville, Tennessee)Studio Festival Program. Youwill receive all the tools to host a nationally sponsored event in yourown studio, giving students a meaningful performance outlet in anoncompetitive Adj. 1. noncompetitive - not involving competition or competitiveness; "noncompetitive positions"; "noncompetitive interest in games"competitive, competitory - involving competition or competitiveness; "competitive games"; "to improve one's competitive position" atmosphere. Free materials in the MTNA Studio FestivalStarter Kit include an organizational checklist, budget worksheet,judge's CERTIFICATE, JUDGE'S, English practice. The judge who tries the cause is authorized by several statutes in certain cases to certify, so as to decide when the party or parties shall or shall not be entitled to costs. guideline guidelineMedtalk A series of recommendations by a body of experts in a particular discipline. See Cancer screening guidelines, Cardiac profile guidelines, Gatekeeper guidelines, Harvard guidelines, Transfusion guidelines. sheet, materials for publicizing pub��li��cize?tr.v. pub��li��cized, pub��li��ciz��ing, pub��li��ciz��esTo give publicity to.Noun 1. publicizing - the business of drawing public attention to goods and servicesadvertising your event withparents and the local media, a Festival performance schedule and anorder form for student certificates and Festival T-shirts. Also, MTNA continues to offer Music Study Award Certificates toreward students for completed years of music lessons. A motivationaltool, they are available in two-year increments up to twelve years ofstudy and feature an official MTNA seal. The MTNA Achievement AwardProgram, a third initiative, encourages goal-setting for all students,rewarding their achievements with a special MTNA pin. These programsencourage students of all levels to pursue excellence in music. Please contact MTNA at (888) 512-5278, go to the MTNA website or see pages 63, 81 and 89 of this issue for order forms.

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