Monday, September 26, 2011

Encyclopedia of archaeology: the great archaeologists.

Encyclopedia of archaeology: the great archaeologists. TIM MURRAY Timothy P. Murray (born 1968), better known as Tim Murray, is the current Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, U.S.. Prior to his service as Lieutenant Governor, Murray served as Mayor of Worcester, Massachusetts. (ed.). Encyclopedia of archaeology: the greatarchaeologists (2 vols), xxxiv+950 pages, b&w figures. 1999. SantaBarbara (CA): ABC-Clio; 1-57607-199-5 hardback 95 [pounds sterling]. Have more than half of `the great archaeologists' andantiquarians really come from the UK and the USA (18 and 14,respectively), and barely a dozen from France, Germany and Scandinaviatogether? Britain, it seems from Dr MURRAY'S selection, has beenthe most formative theatre of development -- followed by North America North America,third largest continent (1990 est. pop. 365,000,000), c.9,400,000 sq mi (24,346,000 sq km), the northern of the two continents of the Western Hemisphere. .It is difficult to make this kind of selection. It is reassuring,though, that some `greats' themselves have contributed -- the lateGrahame Clark on Dorothy Garrod Professor Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod (5 May, 1892–18 December, 1968) was a British archaeologist who was the first woman to hold an Oxbridge chair, partly through her pioneering work on the Palaeolithic period. Her father was Sir Archibald Garrod, the physician. , for instance, or, on Francois Bordes,L.R. Binford. The entries are satisfyingly long and provided with goodlists of primary and secondary references (but most of the photographsare poorly produced). The editor rounds the work off with apt andlearned musings about . the significance of such biographies asprovisional disciplinary self-appraisal.

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