Saturday, September 24, 2011

Evaluation of digital technology and software use among business education teachers.

Evaluation of digital technology and software use among business education teachers. Digital video cameras are part of the evolution of multimediadigital products that have positive applications for educators,students, and industry. Multimedia digital video can be utilized by anypersonal computer and it allows the user to control, combine, andmanipulate manipulateTo cause a security to sell at an artificial price. Although investment bankers are permitted to manipulate temporarily the stock they underwrite, most other forms of manipulation are illegal. different types of media, such as text, sound, video,computer graphics, and animation. This paper examines the familiarityand use of these educational hardwares among business educationteachers. Based on the affinity that younger teachers have forincorporating digital cameras and soft-ware applications into theircurriculum, one conclusion from this research is for administrators tofocus on seminars and training of educators that have been teaching formore than five years. The survey also found some differences in the useand comfort level among teachers of different ethnic background. ********* The beginning of the new millennium witnessed an explosion in theutilization of computer technology by Business and Office Educationteachers. Middle and High school students have grown up with computersand the Internet InternetPublicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world. It grew out of a U.S. Defense Department program called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), established in 1969 with connections between computers at the , they are accustomed to word-processing, and thesestudents understand the rudiments of spreadsheet spreadsheetComputer software that allows the user to enter columns and rows of numbers in a ledgerlike format. Any cell of the ledger may contain either data or a formula that describes the value that should be inserted therein based on the values in other cells. and database computerapplications. The challenge for educators is to try and stay ahead ofthe technological trends and to select pedagogical ped��a��gog��ic? also ped��a��gog��i��caladj.1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of pedagogy.2. Characterized by pedantic formality: a haughty, pedagogic manner. products that areuser-friendly user-friendly - Programmer-hostile. Generally used by hackers in a critical tone, to describe systems that hold the user's hand so obsessively that they make it painful for the more experienced and knowledgeable to get any work done. and useful in the classroom. Digital Video cameras arepart of the evolution of multimedia digital products that have positiveapplications for educators, students, and industry. Multimedia digitalvideo can be utilized by any personal computer and it allows the user tocontrol, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text,sound, video, computer graphics, and animation. Because of their convenience and affordability, digital camerashave a wide range of use as an instructional tool. To name a few, itallows teachers to evaluate other teachers in the field through the useof digital cameras and provide relevant lessons to hearing impairedstudents. To explore this issue, the paper analyzes the responses frompublic school business teachers regarding their use of some educationalhardwares in teaching. To accomplish that, a sample of 226 Public Schoolbusiness education and office administration teachers in North Carolina North Carolina,state in the SE United States. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean (E), South Carolina and Georgia (S), Tennessee (W), and Virginia (N).Facts and FiguresArea, 52,586 sq mi (136,198 sq km). Pop. were surveyed to investigate their use of digital still cameras, editingsoftware's and video digital cameras. The paper examines howsatisfied teachers are with their current software skills, and theircomfort level in using digital cameras. Furthermore, the paper exploresthe educators ethnic background, and analyzes their current skills,comfort levels and usage of instructional cameras, hardware and softwarein teaching. Computer Applications in Business and Office Education Numerous researchers, Redmann, (1996), Wallace Wal��lace, Alfred Russel 1823-1913.British naturalist who developed a concept of evolution that paralleled the work of Charles Darwin. (1997), Swope,(1998)) have documented thousands of computer applications for businesseducation including internet computer See Internet appliance and network computer. applications. ComputerApplications for Business and Office Education teachers includepresentations, spreadsheets The following is a list of spreadsheets. Freeware/open source softwareOnline spreadsheetsMain article: List of online spreadsheets EditGrid [1] Simple Spreadsheet [2] wikiCalc , rosters, posters, reports, and otherwritten documents for accounting, marketing, finance, careerexploration, distance education, records managment, and other courses.In a study of computer applications for business education, Ellis ELLIS - EuLisp LInda System. An object-oriented Linda system written for EuLisp. "Using Object-Oriented Mechanisms to Describe Linda", P. Broadbery <> et al, in Linda-Like Systems and Their Implementation, G. Wilson ed, U Edinburgh TR 91-13, 1991. (1996)reported that electronic mail or e-mail was the backbone application ofthe internet and e-mail was responsible for the rapid growth of theinternet because it provided an easy communication medium that was veryuser friendly. Ahnager and Little (1997) also indicated that theaccessibility of the world wide web (www) and its flexibility forconveying digital information in various forms makes it a convenientmode of communication for education. In a review of chat technology, Ellis (1998) reported that businessand office education teachers used chat technology for conferences,distance learning courses, group projects, case studies, and gamesbetween people and/or and/or?conj.Used to indicate that either or both of the items connected by it are involved.Usage Note: And/or is widely used in legal and business writing. computer opponents. Wagner (1997) described theworld wide web as a computer technology that allows the possibleintegration of full-color graphics, varying typefaces This is a list of typefaces. SerifHere you can find a graphical version of this table. Aldus Antiqua Aster Baskerville Bell (Monotype) Didone classification serif type deisgned by Richard Austin, 1788 Bembo Benguiat , animation, andsound. Wilson Wilson,city (1990 pop. 36,930), seat of Wilson co., E N.C., in a rich agricultural region; inc. 1849. It is a commercial and industrial center with a large tobacco market. Manufactures include textile goods (especially clothing), metal products, and processed foods. (1997) added that the multimedia technology available onthe internet includes full motion videos and sound. Wilson found thateducational benefits for students who used the internet includedlearning: (a) how to peruse pe��ruse?tr.v. pe��rused, pe��rus��ing, pe��rus��esTo read or examine, typically with great care.[Middle English perusen, to use up : Latin per-, per- materials posted on internet pages, (b) towork cooperatively, and (c) to write correctly when creating web pages. Digital Camera Applications in Business and Office Education Digital cameras are now available from the internet, in camerashops, computer shops, and discount stores. Most models work with eitherMacs or PCs. Newer features have the ability to print directly to acolor inkjet See inkjet printer. without using your PC, remote controls, detachable de��tach?tr.v. de��tached, de��tach��ing, de��tach��es1. To separate or unfasten; disconnect: detach a check from the checkbook; detach burs from one's coat.2. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) A display technology that uses rod-shaped molecules (liquid crystals) that flow like liquid and bend light. Unenergized, the crystals direct light through two polarizing filters, allowing a natural background color to show. viewers, auto-focus, and internal hard drives. Because of their convenience and affordability, digital camerashave a wide range of business and office education uses. In a Digest Digest:see Corpus Juris Civilis. (1) A compilation of all the traffic on a news group or mailing list. Digests can be daily or weekly.(2) Any compilation or summary. tohelp vocational educators learn ways to make the best use of the worldwide web, Wagner (1997) cited a project that allows teacher educators toevaluate other teachers in the field through the use of digital cameras.Digital cameras can be used as an instructional tool, such as, forstudents assignments, providing relevant lessons to hearing impairedstudents, and recording science experiments. Also, it can be used forcompiling com��pile?tr.v. com��piled, com��pil��ing, com��piles1. To gather into a single book.2. To put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources: folios for dancing, model, drama, and folios that will be sentout to prospective employers. Learning benefits for business and officeeducation students from digital cameras include, collaborative learning Collaborative learning is an umbrella term for a variety of approaches in education that involve joint intellectual effort by students or students and teachers. Collaborative learning refers to methodologies and environments in which learners engage in a common task in which each ,using digital cameras, increased utilization of personal computers,exposure to the different types of picture output formats, cropping, andediting of photos. Multimedia Digital Video Applications in Business and OfficeEducation Multimedia includes high quality graphics and images, transitionaleffects, music, voice, sounds and animations. Multimedia digital videoproductions can enhance all of the digital camera picture applications.In the 1990's, digital camcorders were used as the input devicesfor multimedia productions. Several investigators have researched theeducational applications of digital video multimedia. Morris (1992)described digital video technology multimedia products. Klemin (1993)reported that multimedia was being used in education and in businesstraining. Klenin stated that this was a new technology for the digitalcomputer coupled with borrowed analog technology from television, film,and stereo See stereophonic. and designed for industry multimedia standards that waslinked by new software. Pinheiro & Oblinger (1993) explored theearly technology behind digital multimedia, and found that digital videointeractive Digital Video Interactive (DVI) was the first multimedia desktop video standard for IBM-compatible personal computers, developed around 1984 by Section 17 of The David Sarnoff Research Center Labs (a division of RCA at the time, later DSRC became a division of General Electric is a technology that transformed and compressed analoginformation into digital information that represented sound and video.The advantage of digital video is its ability to communicate overcomputers. Bassoppo-Moyo (1997) also researched digital video technologyand its ability to combine multimedia tools to form a singlecommunication engine. He defined digital analog video The original video recording method that stores continuous waves of red, green and blue intensities. In analog video, the number of rows is fixed. There are no real columns, and the maximum detail is determined by the frequency response of the analog system. technology, itshistorical origins, how it works, software applications, interactiveattributes, and the implications to film and video production. Barton BARTON, old English law. The demesne land of a manor; a farm distinct from the mansion. (1995) described the factors driving the shift from analog to digitalvideo storage and retrieval, including improved compression techniques,reduced hardware costs, and increased network demands. Barron Barron may refer to Barron County, Wisconsin Barron, Wisconsin Barron, Barron County, Wisconsin Barron Field, an airfield in Everman, Texas, U.S. Barron Gorge National Park in Queensland, Australia Barron v. Baltimore, a U.S. depicted de��pict?tr.v. de��pict��ed, de��pict��ing, de��picts1. To represent in a picture or sculpture.2. To represent in words; describe. See Synonyms at represent. the characteristics of digital video, various compression procedures,and presented applications and guidelines guidelines, a set of standards, criteria, or specifications to be used or followed in the performance of certain tasks. for use of digital video inhigher education higher educationStudy beyond the level of secondary education. Institutions of higher education include not only colleges and universities but also professional schools in such fields as law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art. including multimedia presentations, multimedia lessons,and internet. Survey Results Digital video cameras and their applications for personal computersare relatively new developments in the field of multimedia. Digitalvideo cameras have all of the benefits of video digital still cameras,plus the added feature of real-time 1. real-time - Describes an application which requires a program to respond to stimuli within some small upper limit of response time (typically milli- or microseconds). Process control at a chemical plant is the classic example. moving pictures, and sound. Thevideoed events can be saved on the camera's disk and then insertedinto a personal computer and none of the disadvantages of analogcamcorders. Digital video cameras can be effective instructional tools.They can be used to enhance power-point presentations, used in creatinggroup projects and more importantly, instructors can make teachingvideos that students can use as many times as possible. As indicated earlier in the paper, about 226 respondents In the context of marketing research, a representative sample drawn from a larger population of people from whom information is collected and used to develop or confirm marketing strategy. wererandomly surveyed. The results indicate that 62.5 percent of BusinessEducation public school teachers have used digital still camera as aninstrument of instruction. The survey revealed that about 36.5 percentand 23.3 percent indicated that they have used camera editing softwareand video digital camera respectively in their teaching practice.Another important characteristic of the respondents is that a higherpercent of them graduated recently from college. Based on their years ofteaching experience, the survey results show that 32.4 percent of theteachers have less than 5 years of teaching experience. The highestlevel of completed education for the respondents were 59.7 percent, 38.1percent and 2.2 percent for Bachelor's bach��e��lor's?n.A bachelor's degree. , Master' s, andDoctoral degrees respectively. Per the question regarding "How comfortable the teachers arewith using digital cameras", the results indicate that 18.5 percentwere very comfortable, 29.3 percent were somewhat comfortable, 21.6percent were quite undecided, 11.7 percent were somewhat uncomfortableand 18.9 percent were very uncomfortable. On the question of "bowsatisfied teachers are with their current skills for using digitalcamera editing software," we found that 29.9 percent of therespondents were very unsatisfied, and 5 percent were very satisfied.Overall, about 51 percent of teachers are quite unsatisfied with theircurrent software skills, while 26.7 percent of them were satisfied. Majority of the respondents are female for all ethnic groups. Thesurvey do indicate that 59.4 percent of the respondents areCaucasian/white, 35.9 percent are African Americans African AmericanMulticulture A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.See Race. , 1.4 percent areHispanic HispanicMulticulture A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race Social medicine Any of 17 major Latino subcultures, concentrated in California, Texas, Chicago, Miam, NY, and elsewhere and 2.8 percent are classified as others. The survey resultsshow that 67.9 percent of the respondents that have used digital stillcamera in instruction are Caucasian/Whites, while about 28.5 percent areAfrican Americans. The survey also revealed that 44.1 percent ofrespondents that are Caucasian/White agreed to have used camera editingsoftware in teaching while about 23.4 percent of African Americanteachers agreed to same question. Among all the business educationteachers that have used camera editing software, 73.7 percent of themwere Caucasian/Whites, while about 23.7 percent were African Americans.On the use of digital still camera, 42.9 percent of the respondents thatused it in instruction were Caucasian/White teachers, while only about18 percent were African American educators. The analysis revealed that72.1 percent of Caucasian/ White educators in the sample utilizeddigital still camera while about 50 percent of the total number ofAfrican American teachers used digital still camera in instruction. Theresults on video digital use are quite low across ethnic groups Table 1 illustrates the cross-tabulation of respondents with thehighest level of completed education for camera editing software, use ofdigital camera and use of digital still camera. 58 percent of those thatused camera editing software came from the respondents who indicatedthat their highest level of completed education was a Bachelor'sdegree, while only about 2.5 percent of the respondents had the Doctoraldegree. Also, only 21.2 percent of the total sample size that agreedthat they have used camera editing software were those with onlyBachelors degree, while only 0.9 percent had Doctoral degree. The survey found out that 55.8 percent of respondents that usedvideo digital camera in their instruction graduated only withBachelor's degree in their field, while 40.4 percent of them hadMaster's degree master's degreen.An academic degree conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree.Noun 1. . Also, 21.6 percent of the respondents withBachelor's degree as their highest level of education used videodigital cameras in teaching. 58.6 percent of all the respondents thathave used a digital still camera checked Bachelor's degree as theirhighest level of completed education. Also, 60.7 percent of theserespondents with Bachelor's degree as their highest level ofcompleted education used digital still cameras as a medium ofinstruction. Table 2 illustrates the cross-tabulation of responses betweenteaching experience (measured in years of teaching) and the use ofcamera editing software, use of video digital camera and use of digitalstill camera. One important pattern emerges from the cross-tabulation,teachers with less than 5 years teaching experience used camera editingsoftware, video digital camera and digital still camera more frequentlythan other sub-groups. This implies that younger and more recentgraduates used instructional technology There are two types of instructional technology: those with a systems approach, and those focusing on sensory technologies.The definition of instructional technology prepared by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Definitions and Terminology more frequently than their oldercolleagues. Summary and Conclusion Because of their convenience and affordability, digital videocameras and software have a wide range use as an instructional toolamong business education teachers. They can be used to enhancepower-point presentations, in creating group projects and moreimportantly, it can make teaching and learning easier. Based on the affinity that younger educators have for incorporatingdigital camera applications into their curriculum, one conclusion fromthis research is for administrators to focus on educators with more thanfive years of teaching. These groups of educators must be givenextensive seminars and training on how to use digital cameras and theappropriate soft-ware. The survey also found some differences in the useand comfort level of these instructional tools among business educationteachers of different ethnic groups. Teachers of the minority groupshave a lower usage rate and are less comfortable with these educationaltools.Table 1Highest Level of Completed Education, Use of Camera Editing Software,Use of Video Digital Camera, and Use of Digital Still Camera(In Percent) Highest Level of Completed Education College Master's Doctoral Graduate Degree DegreeA: Use of Camera Editing SoftwareYESCount 47 32 2 Percent Within Use of Camera 58 39.5 2.5 Editing Software Percent Within Highest Level of Completed Education 35.3 38.1 40.0 Percent of Total 21.2 14.1 0.9NOCount 86 52 3 Percent Within Use of Camera 61.0 36.9 2.1 Editing Software Percent Within Highest Level of Completed Education 64.7 61.9 60.0 Percent of Total 38.7 23.4 1.4B: Use of Video Digital CameraYESCount 29 21 2 Percent within Use of Video 55.8 40.4 3.8 Digital Camera Percent within Highest Level of Completed Education 21.6 24.4 40.0 Percent of Total 12.9 9.3 0.9NOCount 105 64 2 Percent within Use of Video 61.4 37.4 1.2 Digital Camera Percent within Highest Level of Completed Education 78.4 74.4 40.0 Percent of Total 46.7 28.4 0.9C: Use of Digital Still CameraYESCount 82 54 4 Percent within Use of Digital 58.6 38.6 2.9 Still Camera Percent within Highest Level of Completed Education 60.7 32.8 80.0 Percent of Total 36.3 23.9 1.8NOCount 53 31 Percent within Use of Digital 61.1 36.9 Still Camera Percent within Highest Level of Completed Education 39.3 36.0 Percent of Total 23.5 13.7Table 2Years of Teaching, Use of Camera Editing Software, Use of Video DigitalCamera and Use of Digital Still Camera (In Percent) How Long Have You Been Teaching Less than 5-10 yrs. 11-15 5 yrs. yrs.A: Use of Camera EditingSoftwareYESCount 27 12 11 Percent within Use of Camera Editing Software 33.3 14.8 13.6 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 37.5 42.9 52.4 Percent of Total 12.2 5.4 5.3NOCount 45 16 10 Percent within Use of Camera Editing Software 31.9 4.3 7.1 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 62.5 57.1 47.6 Percent of Total 20.3 7.2 4.5B: Use of Video DigitalCameraYESCount 15 9 5 Percent within Use of Video Digital Camera 28.8 17.3 9.6 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 20.5 32.1 23.8 Percent of Total 6.7 4.0 2.2NOCount 33 9 7 Percent within Use of Digital Still Camera 39.3 10.7 8.3 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 45.2 31.0 33.3 Percent of Total 14.6 4.0 3.0 How Long Have You Been TeachingC: Use of Digital Still CameraYESCount 39 20 14 Percent within Use of Digital Still Camera 27.9 14.3 10.0 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 53.4 69.0 66.7 Percent of Total 17.3 8.8 6.2NOCount 33 9 7 Percent within Use of Digital Still Camera 39.3 10.7 8.3 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 45.2 31.0 33.3 Percent of Total 14.6 4.0 3.1 How Long Have You Been Teaching 16-20 21-25 Over yrs. yrs. 25 yrs.A: Use of Camera EditingSoftwareYESCount 12 10 8 Percent within Use of Camera Editing Software 14.8 12.3 9.9 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 34.3 23.3 36.4 Percent of Total 5.4 4.5 3.6NOCount 23 33 14 Percent within Use of Camera Editing Software 16.3 23.4 9.9 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 65.7 76.7 63.6 Percent of Total 10.4 14.9 6.3B: Use of Video DigitalCameraYESCount 8 7 8 Percent within Use of Video Digital Camera 15.4 13.5 15.4 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 21.6 16.3 36.4 Percent of Total 3.6 3.1 3.6NOCount 13 17 5 Percent within Use of Digital Still Camera 15.5 20.2 6.0 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 35.1 39.5 22.7 Percent of Total 5.8 7.5 2.2C: Use of Digital Still CameraYESCount 24 26 16 Percent within Use of Digital Still Camera 17.0 18.6 11.4 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 64.9 60.5 72.7 Percent of Total 10.6 7.1 0.4NOCount 13 17 5 Percent within Use of Digital Still Camera 15.5 20.2 6.0 Percent within How Long Have You Been Teaching 35.1 39.5 22.7 Percent of Total 5.8 7.5 2.2 References Ahanger, G. & Little, T. 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Tennessee Tennessee, state, United StatesTennessee(tĕn`əsē', tĕn'əsē`), state in the south-central United States. BusinessEducation Journal, 5 (1), 7-10. Klemin, V. Wayne Wayne,city (1990 pop. 19,899), Wayne co., SE Mich., a suburb of Detroit, on the Lower Rouge River; inc. as a village 1869, and with surrounding areas as a city 1960. It has automobile and aircraft industries and other varied manufactures. (1993). Multimedia and Business Education.Business Education Forum, 48 (1), 27-30. Morris, Sandra sandra (sänˑ·dr),adj . (1992). Digital and DVI Multimedia Products.Instruction Delivery Systems, v 6, n 1, 15-20. Pinheiro, Edwin Edwinor Eadwin(both: ĕd`wĭn), 585?–632, king of Northumbria (616–32), The son and heir of Ælla, king of Deira, he was kept from his inheritance by Æthelfrith. J. and Oblinger, Diana Diana, in Roman religionDiana(dīăn`ə), in Roman religion, goddess of the moon, forests, animals, and women in childbirth. She was probably originally a forest goddess and a special patroness of women. . (1993). Digital Multimedia:An IAT IAT Intelligent Agent TechnologyIAT International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (Joint IEEE, WIC, and ACM conference)IAT Implicit Association TestIAT Intake Air TemperatureIAT Import Address Table Technology Primer. Redmann, D. (1996). American American,river, 30 mi (48 km) long, rising in N central Calif. in the Sierra Nevada and flowing SW into the Sacramento River at Sacramento. The discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill (see Sutter, John Augustus) along the river in 1848 led to the California gold rush of Vocational Education vocational education,training designed to advance individuals' general proficiency, especially in relation to their present or future occupations. The term does not normally include training for the professions. ResearchAssociation Proceedings (Cincinnati, Ohio “Cincinnati” redirects here. For other uses, see Cincinnati (disambiguation).Cincinnati is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Hamilton County. , December 5-8, 1996). ERIC_NO:ED408496. Swope, J. Ed. (1998). Building bridges to tomorrow in Business andMarketing Education. Atlantic Coast Business and Marketing EducationConference Proceedings (15th, Raleigh, North Carolina For other uses of this name, see Raleigh.Raleigh (IPA: /ˈrɑli/, ral-ee) is the capital of the State of North Carolina and the county seat of Wake County. , February 20-21,1998). Wagner, J. (1997). The World Wide Web and Vocational Education.ERIC Digest No. 186. ERIC_NO: ED411416. Wallace, I. Ed. (1997). Partnerships for Workforce Development inBusiness and Marketing Education. Annual Atlantic Coast Business &Marketing Education Conference Proceedings (14th, Greenville, NorthCarolina For other places with the same name, see Greenville.Greenville, one of the fastest growing cities in North Carolina, is the county seat of Pitt County, and is the principal city of the Greenville, North Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Area. , February 21-22, 1997). Volume 8. Wilson, P. (1997). Exploring the Internet. Proceedings of the 14thAnnual Atlantic Coast Business & Marketing Education Conference.February 1996. Raleigh, NC. Richard S Ri��chard? , Joseph Henri Maurice Known as "Rocket." 1921-2000.Canadian hockey player. A right wing for the Montreal Canadiens (1942-1960), he led his team to eight Stanley Cup championships and was the first player to score 50 goals in a . Ellis, MBA MBAabbr.Master of Business AdministrationNoun 1. MBA - a master's degree in businessMaster in Business, Master in Business Administration , Ed.D., Director, Hud. City and DodGrant's, School of Business and Economics. Comfort O. Okpala,Ed.D., Assistant Professor. Department of Educational Leadership,Fayetteville State University HistoryIn 1867, seven black men - Matthew N. Leary, Andrew J. Chesnutt, Robert Simmons, George Grainger, Thomas Lomax, Nelson Carter, and David A. Bryant - paid $136 for two lots on Gillespie Street and converted themselves into a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees to . Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed toRichard S. Ellis, MBA, Ed.D., Director, Hud, City and Dod Grant's,School of Business and Economics., 1200 Murchison road, Newbold Station,Fayetteville, NC 28301-4298; Email:

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