Friday, September 23, 2011

Evaluation of primary sources.

Evaluation of primary sources. Kent-Drury, Roxanne M Using internet primary sources to teachcritical thinking skills in world literature. Westport, CT: LibrariesUnlimited, 2005. 194p US$65.00 soft ISBN ISBNabbr.International Standard Book NumberISBNInternational Standard Book NumberISBNn abbr (= International Standard Book Number) → ISBN m0313320098 (available fromJames Bennett For other people named Bennett, see Bennett.James Bennett or Jim Bennett may refer to: James C. Bennett, writer on technology and international affairs and a founder of the American Rocket Company. Pty Ltd PTY LTD Propriety Limited (company structure in Australia)) Educators dedicated to developing their students' ability tothink critically believe that the students' future success aslearners, citizens and professionals depends on their ability to gatherinformation, assess it and apply it appropriately to new situations, asopposed to merely memorising and regurgitating learned facts. Usinginternet primary sources to teach critical thinking skills in worldliterature is designed to provide resources which will assist educators,librarians and students in the development of these vital skills. Whilethe line between primary and secondary sources in literature is notalways clearly defined, Kent-Drury has interpreted the term'primary sources' as broadly as possible so as to includesites containing material providing cultural context, background and insome cases critical theory, thereby allowing the fullest possible set ofresources. The use of primary sources has always required a criticalperspective on the materials used: with the proliferation of electronicresources evaluation is more important than ever. Kent-Drury hasprovided a wealth of creative and interesting activities and exercisesto encourage consideration of the authenticity of documents and theirproviders, facilitate alternative approaches and enhance studentunderstanding of literature and culture. For those new to the process,the book begins with a tutorial on locating and evaluating web resourcesfollowed by a discussion of the tools of traditional literary analysis.Relevant websites are identified and described, along with tips for easeof navigation and lists of similar, related sites. The remainder of thebook focuses on specific topics, including religion and folklore, theancient world, classical Greek and Roman literature, Europe beforeprint, early modern to contemporary Europe and non-European literature.An overview of several transnational and intercultural projects isincluded, two of which are the Nobel eMuseum ( andThe Modern Word ( This is followed by a comprehensive chapter on major resources ofgeneral interdisciplinary interest which adds to the overall usefulnessof this volume. Such interdisciplinary sites include the HumbulHumanities Hub (, a number of e-text sitesproviding online access to full text resources, several excellentreference sites, map collections, web-based projects, eyewitness An individual who was present during an event and is called by a party in a lawsuit to testify as to what he or she observed.The state and Federal Rules of Evidence, which govern the admissibility of evidence in civil actions and criminal proceedings, impose requirements accounts and teaching resources. Overall this book provides a good balance of the theoretical andthe practical and contains activities and resources which would beuseful to educators engaged in teaching for critical thinking andinformation literacy Several conceptions and definitions of information literacy have become prevalent. For example, one conception defines information literacy in terms of a set of competencies that an informed citizen of an information society ought to possess to participate intelligently and . It is well indexed and contains a site index sothat favourite sites can be easily located. Libraries supporting sucheducation would find this book a useful addition to the collection.Given the rapidity of the creation and changing of websites and theinstability of many URLs in the online environment, the comparativelymodest price of this paperback edition would allow it to be updated as anew edition with relative ease. Helen Dunford, TAFE Tasmania TAFE Tasmania is an Australian tertiary body that is the Tasmanian part of the Australian state-based Technical and Further Education system. It includes two institutes, Institute of TAFE Tasmania and the Drysdale Institute.

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